
“Communicating with your Higher Self, Part 3” by Jai Guru Dev – 6.20.21



Entry Submitted by Jai Guru Dev at 4:01 PM EDT on June 20, 2021

Seeker: “What is the role of meditation in connecting with the Higher Self?” 

Guide: “Meditation is often thought of as a process of calming the mind, shutting the outside world if you will, in order to go within. A worthy practice. But often misunderstood. Too often meditation is associated solely with Transcendental meditation. Finding a quiet space, relaxing and stilling the mind to a point of no thought. At this point messages pop into your mind in a free flow fashion. Whilst this is a worthy process, it is by far the only form of meditation.” 

Seeker: “In what way?” 

Guide: “When connecting to your Higher Self it is best to do so with directed intent. With a purpose of getting guidance from focused questions as opposed to a neutral free flow method where you have no control of the flow of information. It is important to initially give focused direction, and then to allow the free flow of information, to become unfocused in a manner of speaking. This is a skill within itself, learning when to focus on a problem, and when to give it no attention.” 

Seeker: “I am not sure that I follow.” 

Guide: “I know that you have been focusing on a worthy humanitarian project for your interview at the redemption centre.” 

Seeker: “Yes and it is worrying me. I know that many of my ideas of starting worthwhile projects might be not so worthwhile as the release of the new technologies might make my project obsolete. For example, putting up solar powered panels in remote areas to assist the poorer communities to have access to power. Perhaps the free energy tesla units will become available immediately and I have wasted my resources on an outdated system.  




Or I might want to build a vast dam and put in expensive water reticulation systems to communities in Africa who have no water, and that too may become obsolete as I have recently heard that there are technologies that can produce water from the air! What to do? It’s stressful!” 

Guide chuckles: “I have seen you pacing up and down in deep thought and a frown on your face. You are giving your dilemma to much focussed thought.” 

Seeker: “But it’s important that I come up with a worthwhile project so I can receive the highest redemption value to assist those in need.” 

Guide: “Try this process. Go within with focus, ask your Higher Self to present you the most appropriate project to maximise the effectiveness of your bonds in the most appropriate manner. Then forget about it! Release it to the Universe! Quantum Physics tells us that we are all connected by an indivisible web of intelligence. Let the web of intelligence present the ideal opportunity to you. As you are now in a daily routine of talking to your Higher Self, ask it again tomorrow if an opportunity has not presented itself.” 

Seeker: “How will I then find a project?” 

Guide: “You will be at the right place at the right time for an opportunity to be presented to you. For example, you may be sitting at a café and overhear a conversation whereby someone has an ideal project they want to implement but no funding. It may not be something you envisioned, but still very worthwhile. There will be a synchronous event that stumbles into your reality. 

Seeker: “How sure are you this will happen?” 




Guide: “As sure as you are sure. If you have doubt, you minimise the possibility of this synchronous event occurring. It is dependent on the strength of your belief. Trust your Higher Self. It has resources far beyond your imagination to make your wishes come true. 

Seeker: “And if nothing presents itself before the redemption process?” 

Guide: “I see you are already negating the process. Have your back-up project ready or simply redeem and have faith that you will have more than enough funds to have a positive influence on the lives of others. Your heart is good, trust the system.” 

Seeker: “This is so stressful.” 

Guide: “Stress disconnects you from your Higher Self. All negative emotions; fear, anger, hate, jealousy, envy, doubt, etc. all disconnect you from the Higher Planes. Many people experience great anger at the cabal’s vaccine agenda, anger to a point where it becomes their focus for most of their day. No free flowing guidance can enter their consciousness. Not only that they are dark entities are feeding off their anger. In every sense of the word, the cabal has achieved their purpose. Meditation is about being relaxed and is powerfully enhanced when you exude a feeling of gratitude. 

Seeker: “How can one exude gratitude knowing the depopulation agenda?” 

Guide: “Have faith in the system. Know that the white hats have a solution, a cure. Rather focus on the amazing transition and the new reality as opposed to the casualties of war. You truly are living in the most amazing times, perhaps for millions of years. You are here, now. You have an opportunity to effect a positive change. Be grateful for being in the here and the now. Then your Higher Self can orchestrate the magnificent opportunities that the new reality will present into your presence.” 

But now back to meditation. It is not necessary to take time out of your schedule to isolate yourself in order to go within, (although I would highly recommend you do this if time allows!). You may not be aware, but you ‘meditate’ numerous times through the course of your daily activities. For example, whilst going for a long walk, or gardening, or cooking, or driving your car on a long journey. When we perform menial tasks that do not require focussed attention, we go within.” 

Seeker: “I can relate to that. I do my deepest thinking when I go for a long walk.” 

Guide: “Correct. Utilise this time to talk to your Higher Self. Focus on positive thoughts. Too often we use this time focussing on negative issues. In this meditative state, you attract into your life the experiences that resonate with the vibration of your thinking. 




Meditation can be done at any time whilst performing routine activities. Make sure your vibrations are high. Live each moment in gratitude, joy, wonder, appreciation, compassion. This greatly enhances the love vibration which connects you to All That Is. In this state the Universe works with you, and guides you to a bigger and better reality. This is the timeline you want to be on.” 

Seeker: Thank you. My next long walk will be with much more awareness.  

Guide: “Remember everything is as it should be. You create every experience that manifests in your reality. Become aware of your inner thoughts. They are setting up the synchronous events that you experience.” 

Jai Guru Dev


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