
“The Hint with the Fence Post” by Stefan – 5.8.21



Entry Submitted by Stefan at 2:28 AM EDT on May 8, 2021

Dear Dinarland community, dear patriots, nice that you have time for me again!

Every day, when I look at my favorite telegram channels, I read or hear reports that there could be a shortage of raw materials since the Ever Given stuck in the Suez Canal, and that materials for industry, handicrafts and home building could also become massively more expensive.

In the last days this has intensified, because exactly that has occurred. I myself am not affected by it, not yet. We’ll see when I need a spare part at the hardware store or something needs to be replaced on my computer. I am busy with my projects, with a future that I want to and will help shape, with texts and contributions for my readers. And I inform, as good as I can, those in the German speaking area, who want to have knowledge about the exchange and about the LWS. I have put self-building on the back burner, firstly because the weather was not there for it, and secondly because DIY stores were once closed because of this strange flu. You know what I mean, this flu with another name, which has a lower mortality rate than the flu before.

What I mean by that is, I’m not in the picture of how lumber prices and the prices of building materials, raw materials, and other manufactured goods have gone up. But that has its reason, because I call myself already longer awake, I must be about it also no longer in the picture. Because this dilemma is also part of the awakening program that is now gaining momentum.
And the fence post, which ” winks ” at my fellow men, with which they are “woken up”, it is so thick and so hard, against it a baseball bat is a match. And it is no longer even about Corona or vaccination, doubts about the “pandemic” and vaccination damage have been in the program for weeks, no now it is about showing the errors of a globalization.

And now, where it goes to the hobbyists, do-it-yourselfers, house builders locked up for months to the money, where large, middle and small handicraft enterprises, do-it-yourself markets, specialized stores must close shortly, because nothing is more there or nobody can afford the goods, now also the last sheep end begins, what globalization means: Dependence! Insolvencies in Germany in the first week of May 2021: 20,453!!! Let me explain the dependency with an example.

In Germany, coal-fired power plants have been and are being shut down. Germany’s contribution to the prevention of the alleged man-made climate change, while in China 800 new coal-fired power plants are being built. But we need the so-called fly ash, the waste product from coal-fired power plants, for cement production. So what will happen? Since we cannot produce low-grade cement, we will have to import these fly ashes. By land and sea, of course, and with a lot of burning of fossil fuels. If it didn’t make you cry, you could laugh at such shizophrenia, couldn’t you? You’re with me on that one.

As blatant and as fast as is currently being exposed all these shortcomings and impossibilities of globalization is just like the rapid exposure of the Deep State agenda in America by the Biden administration. They lost four years to Trump, just like the globalists, and of course that now has to be made up. And that’s a good thing, too, that the posturing is accelerating. Because we all wouldn’t have noticed, just as we didn’t notice much else in the years/decades before. Let’s face it, even if some still don’t like him, without Trump and the alliance at his back, we would have been lost long ago. I am completely serious about that.




Here in the area where I live, you have to rely on a car. I need it to go shopping. Because the small stores in each village have disappeared for decades. Here I could walk and not have to poison the air with exhaust fumes. In my younger years there were market days even in a big city like Düsseldorf. There, the farmers who had their farms outside the city offered everything you needed to live. They grew everything themselves, without pesticides, with natural fertilizers. There were no huge fields, where every year only feed for livestock was grown, no, each farmer specialized in certain foods, so there was also rarely dispute or competition at the market. In the countryside it was the same, the farmer supplied his village and also surrounding villages with his products, which he sold in his farm store.

The elderly could go outside every day, there was talking, laughing, crying, and yes, even blaspheming. You didn’t need a newspaper, the Internet or television, you were among people and still learned everything you needed to know. For the children there was a ” Kiosk ” in every village, there they bought ice cream or sweets, the men used it for sociable beer drinking and talking shop about soccer, politics or about other villages. Until the pub opened, which no longer exists today. The “great” globalization and accompanying government or administrative constructs that no one could choose, have taken away everything that is important in our lives: Family, friends and community, small and large. Creeping, for the “good of man” and at some point it would have been irreversible. Please think about it, what do you miss from your youth or from earlier years, which no longer exists because a left-green organization, institution, government, opposition wanted only “the best” for you?

Our new world should be built from small to big, from regional to national. It starts with the intact family or in a team, it continues with the village, it ends sometime in a state. But no one who heads a village, a region, a state or a country in the future should think that it goes according to his will, the will of the individual people will be decisive and if the head does not implement it, he will have to go. Sovereign people, which we will all be, will no longer let themselves be ruled and humped. No, we will all stand upright, we will kneel perhaps before the creator, if he likes that (I do not think that).

Our planet will become a showcase planet for communities, we will live with nature for nature, healthy and lively, we will respect all creations, be reasonable and careful with our resources. I am sure that we can all do this. Not at the push of a button, but we all have enough time, don’t we? So let’s let the gigantic fence post have its effect on those who need it now. If he comes too close, duck, most of us don’t need him anymore. Be patient, we will soon see the results of the last battle.

Finally, a word of advice: there are unfortunately again some nutcases spreading information on the net that Gitmo, Iceland, Crete are actually FEMA camps for all patriots worldwide that the Deep State is building and we are all to be barracked into. Folks, I have rarely heard such BS. The speaker exposed herself when she spoke of QAnons, the term the MSM use. We all know that there is only “Q” and “Anons”. So don’t get scared again, trust and believe, I can’t write and say it enough. Many of these misinformers and fear mongers will have to answer for their actions, even the money or high click counts will not help.

“Your thoughts have great power.
They can weaken you and they can strengthen you!
They can hinder you in your development
and they can give you wings!“

WWG1WGA! Mani wastete yo!




If you like, send me good thoughts, or pray for me. Those who can and want to, may also send me a donation. I thank you for your support in any case!

My donation link is:

Those who don’t have paypal can use the temporary bank account: DE20 5866 0101 0001 0938 51, account holder is my co-founder Tobias Reichardt.

A huge thank you for all the support so far! You are great and in my heart!


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