
“Elites are Doing Exactly What they Planned Behind the Scenes” by Miron P – 5.20.21



Entry Submitted by Miron P at 1:53 PM EDT on May 20, 2021

Dear IDC family, 

Why would a leader in finance at the highest level say :

Martin Armstrong is a very serious player in the behind the scenes Financial world. For Real truth tellers…please read his entire free site, there is incalculable truths and knowledge from his imprisonment and testimony.

His testimony is what is happening, IMF & BIS is very involved in the reset.

We’ve known that the big players the Sovereigns are looking to discount our worth….

Faking us….same as all this alliance talk cares about us ?

Listening to the official QFS spokes person now…bring mores doubt to the masses,  while private share knowledge…

God worries about the lost sheep…

All these money making Guru’s…

Profiting daily….You don’t understand the world…I’m helping people….I’m not looking to profit…

Daily I try carry costs…government keep taking not even holding their word, why ???

So why is the Alliance helping corrupt systems the world over…???

Why the crypto scam using big names to create volitily???

Why are the PTB allowing FIAT ENSLAVEMENT???

Imprisonment of bankers is futile…they all are  PROFESSIONAL CON MEN…living the lie

Why don’t the PTB invest in light workers…

Why are the dark forces financed now at this late stage ???

Top down is Utterly satanic…

Why is this your plan???

Top know things

Bottom has nothing and knows nothing ???

This plan is of selfish man…thats the only truth here 

Positioning by insiders…another CABAL UNFORTUNATELY…

For the ones who will judge my opinion accounting for the Real results on the ground ….

You can hope for billions…I say 1 life lost by your ignorance is world more…

Unfortunately we must have hopium while Humanity suffers…

PTB , I say you more worried about the gold you’ll get back…like normal…nothing Is for free…???

Easier to bankrupt and keep the hidden wealth, where lawyers can find true value…

Lawyers always a dishonest game…

IAM Sovereign,  I see all…

Very man made BS …every where 

Go look at the recent movie of how Henry Kissinger bomb the Vietnamese will negotiating…
Same same…

I see this blessing for what it is, alot of suffering at the bottom,  while the rich negotiate…

Kind regards,


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