
“Cottrell’s Comments on MarkZ” by Miron – 6.6.21



Entry Submitted by Miron at 9:55 AM EDT on June 6, 2021

Dear IDC family,

I today ask for your Witnessed account of Mr Cottrell comments on the ORIGINAL MarkZ YouTube on 5 June 2021 including Mr C’s PhD thesis, accounts of the financial system being 100% owned by a secret head of a secret society/group, guaranteeing every bank from long ago, borrowing monies through out time, through corrupt heads of state which always lied and stole the funds. We all know that all the Cabal forces work with shadow money. We also know that secret services also work through dark money. Trillions of dark ops funds to fund Al-Qaeda,  ISIS , Arab spring, BS white helmet fraud, etc. The last 10 years we have Bitcoin and blockchain being dark money on the local level, NSA knows every transaction, Trillion dollar industry,  trust me audience, all big money/power plays are from the same, governments or elite players, 911 the same, Covid19 same.  Almost all governments are corrupt in my opinion,  I’ve published here that the South African Reserve Bank had 84Quads….in a 1 Trillion a year economy….84 thousand years of current GDP….

Some say 2 resets at play…

Some people are saying  the one you have nothing but you happy, the other one is gold backed …looks like one 

I see that the rats are getting settled their debt given with Interest,  gold backed , everyone else gets their own money given back to them, the ones with the biggest debts get the most written off . The ones who fought the Cabal through spirit never part taking in DEBT or Corrupt or extravagant profit of selling on behalf of the Cabal,  not on the system,  according to Mr Cottrell,  this is not a self enrichment excise, therefore stay the same, but you won’t lose anything.

I ask for analysis of the Cottrell view and discussions, as if he is central to our humanitarian future , his words True. 

All Humanitarian if ever We get to Go…

Will be in a system that guarantees all efforts ultimately go the the same system that controls all bottleneck IP banks, malls, internet infrastructure owners, WEF Fortune 500 Same system,  through the same 
Poker play markets …he who has an unlimited bank account can dictate Trend, they own the game board.




If any person could shed some light on current understanding on the Mr Cottrell narrative,  please do. AS ALL banks are owned by secret societies/ systems or another name .

Truth Transparency Justice  as the Mr Cottrell secret Gold Treaty that states same, that Interpol has been directing for decades, if fact make sense that the reset is One, many may argue its meaning but payment is as above discussed, elites get big while the smallest souls will pray for a humanitarian to visit, in a nutshell.

Thank you Mr Cottrell for sharing,  I personally say much , knowing that stating positions no matter how extraordinary , for the sake of truth for others to know, a testimony to be witnessed, is more important than a bruised Ego in these Extraordinary Times of Lies , where the REAL WAR IS TRUTH…

Keeping humans divided …owning the entire chess board where 10d chess is a circle…may be the matrix, soon to be blockchained.
PTB, Taking money from your left pocket to your right pocket while encrypting blockchaining and recording everything,  ultimately a one or oligarch/Special permission system that can access this data, seems more of the same.

If it is create crisis then solution playbook from the same where is “THE anything extraordinary”  to confuse humanitarians,  all I ask this IDC family who have walked years of tomorrow, if you analyse theMR C info as Interpol etc is this our reality , to big to fail mentality has dark and light all mixed into one ?

I pray for Truth Transparency & Justice for all , enough wasting time while millions are hurting by the same splinter of same global system protecting itself at Humanities detriment. Humanity has up until now never sat at this table to take a bit, while others feasted Kingmanship. WHY would Covid19 and this vaccine Dilemma,  some say a weapon to de populate , why pedophiles are in the highest positions in society,  can Adrenochrome be real and If so, why has NSA hitSquads not taken all the guilty out in a firing squad, when so much effort was put to dethrone Saddam . 

Today I’ve sent a email with regards to the sugar poison allowed ….Add cell phone radiation , aluminum Chem trails…hormones in food…Final the climate change hoax discussing the opposite or the Truth…we’re cooling, food in the future will fight the cold….

Why so much falsified info from the WEF 500 companies plus many more profiteers of SHAME, that history will hopefully shed light….

I did not want to publish this , but it seems that Mr Cottrell information,  now that Basel 3 is being implemented to shut down Derivatives and account for gold at the banks who is 100% Owned by  Dragon monies…..

If anyone here wants to be honest to the public and has bank sources…

Go ask about the thousands of academics who analyze every information that has any impact on the market workings or possible effects for BANKS to model possibilities, Actuarial science stats knowledge…

BACK HOUSE INFO on all market developmens, credit creation to special interests…FED trickle down economics…etc

I SAY THEY HAVE IT ALL, PTB with the Quantum computers know exactly 100 percent the beast biting Humanity…there minions say they have it All, why are truths being diluted through time delays to lessen the true impact of what’s going on.

Wearing a mask..really …feels like 911 all again…Some of US have seen this upsurdity immediately knowing …PR costs money…and all come from ONE SOURCE…

I ask for clarification of the Truth, as way to many lies are obfuscating the Truth…to kill..purposely…

This is why I need to state all above…people are being killed through known lies…3rd world light seeds are being destroyed by their governments corrupted by the same PTB, facing the Wrath of big Pharma with no support in any sense, while FIAT dollars keep energizing the Cabal who collected and saved ….Trillions

I pray humanitarians are awake enough to actually invest in Humanity by teaching a man to fish….I pray the waters aren’t owned as then the fisherman is a slave not knowing the PLAN. 

Love Light & Grace seeking for one thing that’s missing, the Truth. ALL I seek is a Truth Channel for Humanity…which up until now DOESN’T EXIST ANYWHERE. 






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