
“Bass, Bastards and New Management” by GK – 6.17.21



Entry Submitted by GK at 12:46 AM EDT on June 17, 2021

You know those moments of clarity. Those sparse epiphanies? Some that put a cold chill up your spine when you realize such things as the neighbors are taking an odd interest in your baby Rosemary?

The cop that is always parked out front your house isn’t watching the neighbor? The guy that always shows up wherever you are with a six pack minus 1 isn’t accidental Truman?

That the reason your excellent luck has vanished because it was never luck to begin with and the people that let you win are now doing the opposite?

Have you ever had a day of clarity as opposed to just rare and short bursts of clarity? The type of day that feels energetic and pure but is likely the calm before the vicious flood? You pet the lion and the lion allows it. You poke the bear and the gate seems securely locked? And then when you see clearly that everyone on the TV is pretty much the enemy. The lion, the bear and the pundit are all meat eaters?

Not that I own a TV but I see the videos on the internet. Tucker Carlson often shows the tip of the iceberg and wryly points out, hey, The FBI is running all these ops.

And you stare blankly like a brain dead rock.

All you have is hope. And of course those who bust their asses for a living have that. And I’m not talking about air conditioned jobs. I am talking about hot, sweaty Mike Rowe or farmers or road crew jobs. Your willingness to work that hard really is as good as it gets. Well, the showers and the beer and the dinner and the bed is as good as it gets but what I am talking is the purity of that truth. The wicked authorities know your value but how odd they tried to poison you too.

I can see them trying to kill me. These essays and videos can’t possibly be buying me anything but unwanted attention.

Hence my moment of clarity. I don’t see these usual bastards losing. They are still everywhere. They keep lying on the TV. They still attend the same laugh it up handshaking parties wearing weird aprons.

If you can’t beat them– join them?

A soul isn’t really that much in the scheme of things is it? Is it? Those golf outings and extravagant dinners seem… really nice. Not to mention the orgies we never get invited to. Well at least not since we were 3 and the day care center took us under the day care. 

And yeah of course the hot women don’t really want you anymore… Dating blacklisted men is so… so go nowhere fast.

Especially one who barely has time for himself. Being angry and vengeful takes up a lot of energy. 

I am not going to send this essay to Patrick until Kim posts today. She is supposed to. I will put it at the bottom here once she does but the reason I keep watching her is the same reason you all keep believing in this GCR alliance nonsense. You know deep down how bad things really are and are stuck not knowing what else to do but kiss up to the promisers. I don’t kiss up anymore. Not since I was overly nice in a butt smooch sort of way to Hollywood producers and agents. yuck. Takes a while to get that taste out of one’s mouth.

But Kim, she essentially has this weird story about her inheriting a job from a dude named Marduke who was a really evil Draco that ran the financial system for thousands of years.

Now you may scoff at that and shake it off as nonsense but I don’t.

Not completely… Not yet.

Because the Bible tells us of a time when an AntiChrist rises up and blah blah revelation, Gog and Magog and these rigid necks finally get what they deserve. Gog= Goguen? I pictured a reptile not a blond lady but hey… I didn’t see that coming but then you are talking to a guy who got hit by an Amtrak train.

And Goddamn it, all false prophets aside anything this side of another psyop is free entertainment. Why not watch. Why not be intrigued by someone who is a Draco reptilian’s chosen replacement? How is it David Wilcock commands your attention and not this?  

My moment of clarity wants to live up to its name and be very clear… I don’t trust anyone or anything. 

I am a spectator who is sick of the shit and don’t believe these people like MarkZ or Cottrell or Bruce or White hats or Alliances or Galactic Federations and their cousins the space force and that the bankers are waiting for us at the exchange centers.

The same reason I gave up on Ed mcMahon ringing my doorbell with a big check. He is dead but a zombie Ed isn’t out of the picture right?

The FBI and Biden and Trump are all run by the Talmudists so I see zero hope there.

My hope is the lady whose former boss was an evil Draco is whooping the FED’s ass. And in the highly likely event this is theatrical bullshit too– likely a talmudic script, I will still be brokeass and a horrible hire for a road crew. 

I guess I could hold a sign for about an hour that says slow or stop but that’s about it before you will have to rush me to a hospital.
We live in a biodome run by bi-pedal fish beings under vast Oceans and the Beatles, we all live in a yellow submarine was them hinting at this fact. Watch the movie, it is a cartoon documentary.

Then watch the Kim video.

Then if you aren’t satisfied, kiss the ass of a Talmudist and try to find a way to be useful because 90% is a lot of dead weight.  Notice the Nazi talmudists have bass like lips? Yep… Clarity.

Is it becoming clearer? Even if just for a moment?


Kim Video Postponed.


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