
“Mirages in the Desert” by Ron Giles – 8.3.21



Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 3:12 AM EDT on August 3, 2021

The RV journey has taken us on a long trek. It’s like a journey in the Desert. The journey is inhospitable and has not been friendly. Most of us have questioned our sanity as we have had to endure delays and disappointments that present themselves as frustrations to our humanitarian success.

The journey has no road maps, it has no direction signs, but it does have a bunch of gurus that want to tell us where to go and how to get there – whatever their agenda dictates. Do they really have intel? Who told them? Are their messages in harmony with the Alliance plan? I say, Not yet! If you don’t get your intel from the Alliance, how do you know what they want us to do? “If you don’t know, then make it up, and then make it up again tomorrow.” You got that, Duffus?

Is there a hidden agenda against us in the guru messages or are they working to help us get our rightful humanitarian funds? I suspect an agenda.

From the higher perspectives, it’s an obstacle course for us to learn discernment. Most people have endured the bulk of the lies until they see the hidden writing on the wall and then go their own way. The roadside trundle strips were miles back when gurus took people off the road and into the ditch. If that wasn’t a good enough clue to the “woke” currency holders, these morons are now leading people all over the muddy fields looking for the next cow pie the gurus call intel. Isn’t it time to get back on the paved road the Alliance has provided for us and get ourselves down the road where the RV will take place? It’s not a date, it’s a place we arrive at. Each mile chalks off another event until there are no more events to endure and we pull into the RV Oasis and pick up our funds.

The Desert presents a very similar journey to navigating the 20 years of the Revaluation of Currencies. Water in the Desert is like knowledge on the RV journey. It is of great value but very hard to find. Unless you have had a successful experience in navigating the Desert and are able to know where the Oasis can be found, you will flounder endlessly, meandering around until you swear you’ve seen this date before  – like the  4th of July every year for the last 5 years.  That is why caravans are organized by knowledgeable people so the trip into the Desert can be made without losing your life.

The leader of the caravan knows by the number of days how long it will take to get to the next oasis and carries the right amount of food and water to get everyone from one Oasis to another. With one of these types of leaders, the caravan does not chase after Mirages that give false information about water being where it has not been found before. This leader knows where he is going and what to expect along the way.

Gurus, as the leaders of the RV journey, have demonstrated a lack of real knowledge as they check the horizon and have us chasing after Mirages that end up with nothing. When it is apparent they have misled us, they climb up the closest sand dune and look for another fake water supply over there and off we go on another charade using up our water, our patience, and our determination that we uploaded sufficiently for the trip.




There is always another delay, another date that fits into the location of the next mirage. Isn’t that a miracle how they keep going on without integrity; knowing their intel sources have never been right but leading the gullible down yet another Rabbit Hole? They are playing “guru in Wonderland,” chasing a White Rabbit that doesn’t exist – it’s a Fairy Tale version of the Real Alliance way to the RV. Many experienced Currency Holders have seen the guru fallacy and have abanded the guru way for the Alliance way. The Alliance way can be found at

How many really great people have followed the RV caravan leaders we call gurus, who don’t know the difference between a mirage and an oasis. Have you seen the many “Bones” of currency holders who have believed these gurus and their prognostications and made their life plans thinking, they were redeeming this week or the next? How many Humanitarians have erroneously left good-paying jobs believing the RV will come to pass and are now flipping hamburgers trying to make ends meet?

One guru told people to quit their jobs because he predicted that the RV was going to happen on July 4th, 2018. Now, three years later the same guru is telling people that unvaccinated people will not be getting RV funds. How benevolent is that? Why?  Yet people still follow him and pay his fees for his Rabbit Hole service to the group.

Other gurus are paying their bills by selling Trusts for $150, telling their people that Trusts are required, and their Trust has been approved by the Alliance, so you should buy one to qualify for the higher redemption rates. They even tell people that the interviewer will see you have a highly paid-for Trust so you will look better in their eyes and get a higher rate than others, which is a lie. Some of these people have a referral system in place where if they refer someone who buys a trust, they get $50. Pick any $150 Trust that these Charlatans are selling, none are better than another. But then…the truth is that the Alliance does not require a Trust of any kind for the redemption. It is just an option. It is just another guru mirage so they can make money off the newbies.

Another mirage made up by the gurus has to do with the SafeLink Satellite System as being a part of the Quantum Financial System. It is normal for Satanists to not believe in the Quantum Consciousness so they have to set up something that makes sense to the way things are now, not knowing that the Quantum Consciousness needs no such manmade interference to the QFS to make it work. Why are there many thousands of Satellites with thousands more already having been approved? Are they setting up a new grid to quarantine us from benevolent ETs? Mr. Musk is on a very short leash.

A real leader of a caravan knows how many days it takes to get to the Oasis and doesn’t chase after Mirages. He knows where the Oasis is and cannot be dissuaded to chase after something that does not exist. This is how the desert people have navigated for centuries. They have knowledge.

The RV process is a different venture where knowledge is King. At this level nothing like this has ever been tried before…and we only get a one-time shot. The Alliance knows this and has a plan in place for Humanitarians to get their knowledge. The Alliance uses one’s inner guidance to navigate the Mirages and find the Oasis we call the RV. The Alliance plan builds character while we wait, not frustrations with endless dates that never happen. Wouldn’t it be great if the gurus had a connection to the Alliance instead of the fake DoD Intel contact or whatever fake source they have for their hurtful agenda?




If you have an inner knowing that you are on the right course, you will find peace in the waiting. You’ll see the Mirages for what they are and not waste your time and resources chasing after that body of water that always moves just ahead of where you are.

Notice from the guru Mirage SquadIt has leaked out from the NDA bound Tiers 1-3 that some of their fictitious  Governments, Royals, and Corps have been paid out. But it was also reported that they had to pay it back so they could get paid again this coming week. The total amount was $476/one dollar for each Government, Royal, and Corporation. This is called guru economics or recycling at its best. Tee hee.

The QFS remains poised to activate their Digital Gold Certificates when the Alliance says it is safe. The QFS is our future and is not a Mirage, a Rabbit Hole, nor a fresh cow pie.

Trying to keep it real…

Ron Giles


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