
“Awareness” by Stefan – 8.8.21



Entry Submitted by Stefan at 1:32 AM EDT on August 8, 2021

Dear Dinarland community, dear patriots, nice that you have time for me again!

Don’t you experience that we are in a very strange phase? There seems to be no more white, light gray, medium gray, dark gray and black in discussions, there is only white and black. And every different opinion is immediately taken as a reason to withdraw. There is no chance anymore to apologize, to “defend” one’s opinion, to make one’s point. If someone thinks white, and is confronted with a black opinion, he (or she) leaves. And that’s on virtually any topic. It makes me think, because I too find myself thinking this way. Isn’t it bad enough that we are in a world-shaking war? Do we now have to be divided over everything and anything?

The remaining Deep State has done a great job here, leaving scorched earth wherever you look. And it’s by no means just right or left, Democrat or Republican, vaccinated and unvaccinated. No, every kind of feeling, statement, opinion is immediately put into one of two possible pigeonholes. Gradations and tolerance seem to have disappeared completely. As said, whole work done. No matter how lightful and affectionate groups and their members give themselves outwardly. A few supposedly wrong words at a supposedly wrong time, and it is already over with light and love. A few years ago something like this would not have been possible, I could talk with neighbors, friends, colleagues about politics, a soccer team or about medical matters. These conversations with different views, opinions and points of view were very different than today. Today, there are no more discussions, every difference of opinion or feeling is immediately, headlong, used to separate. One immediately turns one’s back on friends, acquaintances, even family members.

And it’s really like that, the more hearts, flowers and praying hands also posted, the less tolerance seems. I have experienced this so often and so massively in the last few months, I no longer understand the world. Is this supposed to be our preparation for the new world? Every single one of us should become more and more aware that his opinion, his belief, his feeling is NOT the NON PLUS ULTRA, isn’t it? Nobody has the truth leased. There are thousands of groups writing and talking about consciousness, but when there are opposing voices or other opinions, in the end only the opinion of the individual remains. The attempt to remain neutral or to keep out of discussions does not succeed to everyone and also does not succeed with every topic. All this is also due to different perceptions. In situations where one person remains calm and collected, others immediately get upset. We people are different, but we were different before. Only then it was not felt as blatantly as it is now.

Just as our fingerprints and irises are different, so are our opinions and feelings. One feels the temperature as cold and lies under the blanket, the other runs around barefoot in shorts with t-shirt (a classic at our home). It’s 20 degrees, one is cold, the other is warm. And there I can stand on my head and wiggle my feet, I can’t convince the other to feel it the way I do. We all still lack this awareness a little bit, there were and are other opinions and other feelings. And we lack more and more tolerance. And that is the legacy of the Deep State: Division and separation is almost ubiquitous. All over the world. That it is felt so extremely by me and by others today is a good sign for me, because perhaps the wheat is really separating from the chaff very intensely right now.

We were and are advised to work on the consciousness. Not everybody can do that. There are many guides, paid or free, but not everything works the same for everyone. There was someone who said that when he places orders with the universe, it always comes true. Folks, I have looked at several guides on this and followed the instructions. Nothing works for me. I asked the person to place an order with the universe for everyone, no reaction. Probably my opinion did not fit him. As different as everything else with us people is certainly also the consciousness. If ten people go through the forest or over a meadow, we would get ten different views with the inquiry, what became conscious to those on the way.

The one is glad that it is over, wants to go back to the PC or in front of the TV, probably got fresh air and also trees or plants, but it does not interest him further. The other one absorbed everything that came into his consciousness like a sponge, felt good about it and reminded of his youth. The next one has felt the fierce energy of nature, down to his last toes, feeling stronger and fresher than ever before. In between there are gentle gradations of what has come to people’s consciousness. Perhaps someone has even perceived an elf or a goblin, consciously or unconsciously. I’m not really sure that consciousness can be worked on. In myself I notice that I have always perceived other things than my fellow men. And also that these fellow men grasp other things than I do. Could it perhaps be that our consciousness is simply there, in each person differently big? And that we humans simply repress it partially, just like our natural instincts?




The Native Americans heard fleas coughing, they were not distracted by thousands of unnatural sounds, they did not have them. Our ancestors in Europe and other indigenous peoples in the world certainly also had, like the Native Americans, gifts that we today have simply suppressed or covered up. Each one of them had a consciousness, an individual one, but each one used theirs 100 percent. I believe it is more that we can increase our mindfulness and thus “free up” parts of our consciousness again. Just like I can free up my instincts again. I was working in our garage a few days ago and had a very strange feeling, like I was being watched. At first I tried to ignore it, but it became more and more intense. Lo and behold, there was a little mouse sitting on a shelf watching me work. Surely something like that, or something similar, has happened to you.

What about our fellow human beings now, who continue to be trapped in their fear of flu? Or those in Germany who still believe they live in a real state that wants only the best for them? Do they have any consciousness, is their consciousness there or is it just buried? Well, I’m sure there are people who have no consciousness at all, we’ve all heard of “biorobots”. Could it be that without a soul there is no consciousness either? I do not know.

What I do know is that there are two ways to free your consciousness and that of other people. I was shopping, was made attentive on the parking lot again by an attentive fellow human being that there is a mask obligation also on the parking lot. I showed him my mask and at the same time drew his attention to a mask lying on the ground. He shrugged his shoulders. I asked him if he wouldn’t like to call the public order office, after all, this could be a contaminated mask. He hesitated and turned around and left. What does this show us? Deep down, he knows there is no such thing as a deadly disease. Reporting to the regulatory office takes him out of his comfort zone, he doesn’t want to do that. But I have increased his mindfulness. Every time he will see a discarded mask, he remembers this incident and repetitions are important, his consciousness is cleared.

The second way is to work on our gratitude. Being grateful for what you have and what you will get. I once kept a gratitude journal for a while. Every evening I wrote down what I was grateful for. At first it was little, it became more and more. Something like that also clears the consciousness. We will learn a lot more about this, I am sure. The coming change in our world will not be within seconds. No snap of the fingers and all is well. And we will have plenty of time to work on our hidden, buried abilities. Once the financial pressure is off us, the “HAVING to go to work”, we can take care of ourselves and our family, our community.

“The path to contentment leads right through gratitude!”
Ernst Festl, Austrian writer

“The dissatisfied man, cannot find a comfortable chair.”
Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of the United States

“Happiness often comes from attention to small things,Unhappiness often by neglect of small things.”
Wilhelm Busch




I wish to all a sucessful Lions Gate Portal today!

This Lions Gate Portal 8:8 Energy Shift is going to bring us major spiritual growth and inner awakening. If you feel tired during this time, it is because the body triggers a fatigue response to encourage us to rest during regeneration mode.

WWG1WGA! Mani wastete yo!

If you like, send me good thoughts, or pray for me. Those who can and want to, may also send me a donation. I thank you for your support in any case!

Sorry, no more PAYPAL.

Please use the temporary bank account: DE20 5866 0101 0001 0938 51, account holder is my co-founder Tobias Reichardt.

A huge thank you for all the support so far! You are great and in my heart!


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