
The Atlantis Report: Outsourcing the Production of Goods has Put the Entire US Economy on the Verge of Collapse



The Atlantis Report
Sep 5, 2021

For decades, politicians in Washington D.C. insisted that “globalism” and “free trade” would be good for us. Well, it turns out that “globalism” and “free trade” were good for the wealthy because they could pay someone in a foreign nation 1 dollar an hour when they used to have to pay an American 20 dollars an hour to do the same job. But “globalism” and “free trade” have turned out to be an absolute disaster for hard-working middle-class Americans. Tens of millions of really good jobs have been sent overseas and they are simply not going to come back. This is causing many Americans to start asking this question: Has the American Dream been outsourced? Well, yes, it has.

Now it has come out that even several states with some of the highest unemployment rates are outsourcing their food stamp services to call centers in India. The truth is that “globalism” and “free trade” have allowed the rich to get richer but have caused the poor to get poorer. After all, how can an American worker making 15 dollars an hour compete with someone making 1.50 an hour in another country? The politicians insist that we have now entered a recovery (whatever that is), but most Americans are not nearly so optimistic. According to one new survey, 88% of Americans believe that the U.S. economy is still in a recession. And it is. Unfortunately, things are only going to get worse.

The Federal Reserve continues to tout a recovery and is predicting that unemployment will stay high for at least the next two years.

But the American people don’t have two years to wait. Families are hurting and people are losing their homes. Wages haven’t kept up with real inflation in 30 years. Our leaders know the world is about to go bankrupt, and a reset is inevitable. They hand out stimmy checks and increased unemployment benefits prior to the big event in order to make friends with their citizens by handing them bread crumbs… which has accelerated the reset – as planned. One of the Globalists’ goals is to bankrupt the middle class and make them serfs. They are using different methods to achieve it.

No matter where the money is aimed it will trickle up to the rich, then up to the wealthy. That’s how things work: Pay wage slave, he pays landlord, who pays bank (mortgage), who pays REITS/investors, etc. They are rich because they earn gains on capital in addition to salary. The poor are just going to become poorer using bigger numbers. Funny how giving money to the poor is always a bad idea, while giving more to those who already have plenty always works out good for the economy.

There is no resilience in the American economy either, so if there are any disruptions, like a pandemic, or another natural disaster, then the economy has difficulty in recovering, and people get hurt. The government practices a laissez-faire attitude and did little to nothing about our economy that has gotten us to where we are at today. The stimulus will accelerate poverty because it is a massive tax. Government spending is always a tax. The tax we are mainly paying is higher prices as a result of inflation to cover those trillions.

The Dollar is the biggest debt based experiment in history. Taxes are the government’s way of mandating DEMAND for the Dollar domestically, while the exorbitant privilege/petrodollar mandate creates artificial demand for the Dollar abroad. The elites understand that this is a HUGE wealth transfer from the bottom to the top, and the stimmy checks and UBI they’re going to throw the serfs is CRUMBS compared to the money they’re taking for themselves.




The government only exists to take care of itself now, and is not we the people for the people. This is the exact opposite of what this country was founded on. Now the Federal Reserve banksters 100% of them are evil parasitic. 100% of them need to go as soon as possible before most of us are starving, and living in misery.

At this point in the game, the only investment that makes sense is investing in your ability to provide for yourself separately from the systems. Buy productive land that you can set up a small homestead with improvements that harvest rainwater, polytunnel/greenhouses, tools, and implements. Learn how to garden, plant berries/brambles, raise chickens and meat birds, set up a small solar/battery bank, and hunt.


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