
“Man of God or?” by Ron Giles – 9.18.21



Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 3:47 AM EDT on September 18, 2021

There are a number of Man of God articles circulating around that paint a brand new picture of how things will be in the future, BUT…It won’t be in my future.

Let’s take a look.

CIPS stands for Crossborder Interbank, Payment System (CIPS). It is the Chinese answer to the failing Central Bank’s SWIFT transfer system that has been put out of business by the Quantum Consciousness (QC) Like the SWIFT system the new CIPS is also a third party bank funds transfer system – a purpose-built system to control and fulfill all fund transfers between the banks in the new BRICS financial system. BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The BRICS was an alternative to the [redacted] Central Banking System that has destroyed the world’s financial system and destabilized the World Economy. We are going to witness its demise, perhaps soon.

Why is the CIPS going to be useless in the New Quantum Financial System (QFS)? Because the QFS uses account-to-account transfers and has no need for a third party to transfer funds. The process is easy.  The owner of a QFS account accesses the QFS using a personal pin number. He gets the account number of the person or merchant that he wants to transfer funds to and then initiates the transfer himself. No one else is required to be involved. The QFS transfers the funds to the Merchant account and the transaction is complete. This is an account-to-account private transaction where no outside eyes can see what has taken place. All transactions coming or going into one’s account are kept as a record for any and all future required proof of transfers activity. Each transaction has two recorded proof-of-the transfers, one for each party involved. The transaction is private and no one else will know unless told about by one of the participants. So, Man of God, please tell me why the CIPS is necessary and why did you include it in your version of the QFS. Maybe you want to continue to control the movement of funds so you can know who has the money. Sorry, you can’t do that anymore. You will have no control over the Sovereigns again.

Let’s Talk About Banks and the Quantum Consciousness that the unknowing call a computer.

One of the hardest things for [redacted] agents and their Shills to comprehend is the Quantum Consciousness. When all you know is Satan and his ways of doing things, you have no way to know that the new QFS is controlled by the Quantum Consciousness, the Divine Consciousness. This QC is the Quantum Field of Knowingness where all thought, ideas, and knowledge is kept and is available to those who know how to access it. If you do not know of the QC, you have no way to comprehend the QFS. Could that be why so many guru types never get the QFS right?

When you don’t comprehend the QC you cannot comprehend the fullness of the QFS. This is why you contrive a system of gold coins and other mediums of commercial exchange and pretend that it is the QFS. You do not know the secure process of gold-backing a currency and come up with all kinds of alternative ideas that can be used to set the stage for the deceptive practices of the Central Banking System that you want to carry into the Golden Age of Mankind.




Let’s talk about your high-rise housing that you propose for the “People.”

You, Man of God, propose a labyrinth of Mega Cities connected together with underground tunnels and highspeed mono-rail trains. (Didn’t Kim Possible fund a high-speed connecting train system for 196 countries of the world including 30 island nations? Pick up your feet as we go across the water if you don’t want to get them wet. Duh. Is this Man of God thing your birthchild, Kim?) 

The plan sounds really futuristic and what a marvelous thing to behold, BUT totally unworkable and wrought with [redacted] control mechanism that treats people like cattle. You propose a cafeteria-style feeding system that appears more like a feedlot for individuals who have no life of their own except to follow the one in front of you. These are the ones that survived the Vax. You talk about a lot of things that will be available to your educated Zombies, but you fail to explain who or what will pay the cost of this social experiment. Like the Green New Deal, you plan to spend all of this money, but your only source of funds is to set up a government that will tax the workers to pay for your ventures into the subjugation of the people. Instead, we are setting up a new Financial System that does not tax people’s income. Your plan never talks about GESARA or becoming GESARA compliant. So, Man of God, are you doing away with GESARA so you can have your own world where you are in total control over humanity?

Wouldn’t a Man of God with his futuristic living model include new technology? What about free energy sources? What about Matter replicators for food and clothes? What about antigravity machines used for transportation, on the earth and out in the Galaxy? And don’t forget about the 6000 Patents that were shelved by the [redacted] because they would create new ways of living that do not conform to your [redacted] debt slavery system.

Lastly, let’s talk about banks

You mention Banks involved in the CIPS. Didn’t you get the memo? Banks are going bankrupt. The QC dispatched the SWIFT system as a source of income for all banks. They can do no more bank transfers from the SWIFT source of funds. 86% of banking income came from bank trading with interrupted SWIFT transfer funds – it is now gone. The QC has taken over the bank transfer system and completes the transfer of bank-initiated transfers. Bankers have no major control over the banking industry anymore. The banking heads of large banking institutions have been eliminated and have no control over banks. The Alliance is penetrating down into the guts of the bank management system and is taking out those who have proven to be corrupt. The banks are being cleansed of bad actors and those who are left will be the management of the New Financial Services Industry. The Alliance is already setting this up. Large Zim Holders we call Zim Benefactors will go for the higher rates and will have the funds to finance all financial service centers and their activities in the future. We do this because we don’t make money on our money so we do things for free. Yes, we will pay all Financial Service Industry costs and keep it running smoothly. It’s fun to be on the Alliance side of the future.

In closing, let’s just say that the proposed QFS as these people pretend it to be, is all wrong. Other than taking the name QFS, there is very little in the real QFS that is in common with your communal living venture.




The QFS will have nothing to do with the CIPS structure and vice versa. We don’t need another money-grabbing system in our Golden Age.

The proposed CIPS gold token money system will not be a part of the QFS. Nice try but it cannot compete with a free, secure, Financial system like the QFS.

Unless you persuade the Alliance to fund your Social Engineering venture, you will have no money to do your Zombie housing debacle.

Unless you vacate GESARA and go back to your [redacted] Government structure there will be no taxes available to finance your Man of God activities. Good luck on that one.

And if you persist with your activities that counter the Alliance plan, you will be blocked at your redemptions because you are not Humanitarians and have tried to counter the Alliance plan.

I’m just expressing my thoughts here. Proceed as you must, self-appointed Man of God, I guess we need opposition in all things. Thank you for providing the contrast between good and evil. The rest of us will just sit over here and watch your train wreck.

Ron Giles


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