
“Dissolving Separation as we Ready for the New Earth Energies” by Luna – 11.6.21



Entry Submitted by Luna at 3:03 AM EDT on November 6, 2021

Dissolving Separation As We Ready For The New Earth Energies

Tonight I read the article Wolverine posted on our Telegram site BRIEF BIG CALL NOTES FOR THURSDAY, November 4, 2021 in particular I would like to tell you my personal growth through this process while we wait for our blessing! Yes, I said Blessing! Everything that is happening around you is for you! For you to not only see but hopefully wake up too. If you are reading my article for the first time I want to welcome you to your real life! I’m so glad you found me!

We ‘the Chosen Ones’ having said a resounding yes to help humanity thorough this paradigm shift. We chose to be here not only as a witness while our planet ascends! Plus we are the only planet that has ever done this and that is ascending with our bodies. She’s releasing emotions/trauma just like you.

Look at all the volcanoes erupting around the world just this past year. I mean seriously, just google it and you will see the staggering number of ‘disasters’  like earthquakes and storms of all types plus earthquakes in areas I’ve never heard of before! Perhaps some are even weather related or HAARP manipulated.

Was it manufactured? I ask myself that question frequently since it has gotten so hard to discern what’s true anymore. I know of only one thing maybe two we chose to be here at this time and we chose to transform the negative to the light or put it another way transmute the dark to the light! It is after all the opposite side of the same whole.

Everything has vibration and we are constantly transmuting. We go with the flow that’s the easiest route but in reality it’s the most difficult to imagine when you are in such dense energies. 3D to me is just separation and chaos! I prefer the higher road so I’ve been on this path my whole life awake and in tune to what’s really going on around me. I knew this but no one heard me. A lonely path but I still held the light for all my loved ones who just couldn’t see or hear me. I’m still holding the light for them!

I feel, families will come back together and love will return too! The love of everything where I am free to just be me! I look at the butterflies and the birds and I feel their freedom. I was born free and I chose to be free in this timeline! I wake up free and I go to sleep as a free/sovereign being. But most of all, I have faith that my God loves me and he hears my prayers! It’s like just knowing on a deeper level and I never question what I feel! Your emotions are powerful indicators of what is not working in your life! You can trust it! I have my whole life and I am here now manifesting that dream I have held in my mind’s eye for as long as I can remember. 




Understand this, it NEVER happens on my time only on God’s/Divine time! If you can grasp that you will just feel a peace deep inside and you just know that all is well and all will be as it should! The higher vibrations ALWAYS WINS! So be at peace and just live your life now to the best of your ability and know that you are about to get an upgrade to Humanitarian 1.0 and we get to write the book! I love that and I know I can because I was born to be a humanitarian. We are all so blessed to be here at this time!

Now is the test of your life but just BE. That’s all he has ever asked of us. Be the authentic YOU! Never should we let anyone or anything take away who you really are. That person is YOU and YOU are so needed. Your magic and love rolled up in ONE.

Back to the article Wolverine posted earlier this evening. Sue’s Tip for Tonight.  Stay focused was in one of the testimonials – think about putting on glasses with corrective lenses that see inside you and how you can bring your True Identity and greatness to the world – The Greater Identity – I AM a New Humanitarian changing the world.

Well some of you are new to being a Humanitarian but others were born to be one. When I redeem my ZIM I will be coming from a 3D world but I will walk with my head held high simply because I have the courage to be who I came here to be!

We still have choice you know you can change your mind but it takes a lot of courage to admit who you are and then BE YOU! No manual either yet I’m not afraid!

Fear is only FALSE -EVIDENCE -APPEARING -REAL meaning only when I give it form in my mind does it become real. So if I don’t buy into the fear (which is a Cabal program) then I am free to choose who I want to be and just BE!

We are shifting with Mother Earth as she is shifting. We are almost there just hang in here are some tips from an article I wrote earlier this year in DC entitled:  Here is the full article link.




Earth’s Rising Frequency 5D

Always remember:

You do not have to be anything for anyone.

Being yourself, without explanation, is all The Universe asks.

Practice kindness and compassion but maintain healthy boundaries.

 Your space is sacred, and you deserve to be treated well.

Listen carefully. Your soul and physical being will tell you when it needs a rest. Listen to it! 

Respect yourself as you would respect others. Teach by example!

Keep learning.

 Knowledge is a pathway to greater wisdom and growth.




 Do not put yourself on hold to please others.

 Be who you are, be proud of what you have accomplished and most important find time to love!

Love often and like never before!

Be in your heart and send your love out into the world

Be kind because you can

Be happy because it is a choice

Be serene in knowing that you are that child of God

Remain in your heart no matter what

Remember that the dark is just the absence of light

Hold on tight for you already know the WAY




Know you are NEVER alone

Remind yourself to always be TRUE to YOU

Most important of all DREAM & BELIEVE it is so

Keep dreaming of the world YOU want to SEE

Know that you matter to so many

Drink LOTS of water (it helps so our bodies can incorporate more light energies) and

Never EVER give up on yourself


Don’t let the dense energies get you down. Actually, the narrative of the jab is falling apart and rapidly. They have nothing else in their playbook!  If they can’t maintain the narrative and the propoganda it all falls apart. So all this is just the tail end of a movie. You had a starring role but you didn’t know it. Now you do the bonus is that you have a choice.

Which path are you going to choose? Is it 5D love, light, peace, harmony and abundance or do you want to say in 3D where only chaos and fear reside? It’s truly your choice! May you choose wisely for I know you will since you found us here at WBG!




This group of huge hearted humanitarians at the World Benevolence Group we offer you help  with whatever you need to get yourself ready for your new role. Remember too to breathe. I had to when I finally realized what my true role was in all this. We are watching a movie play out right now and it seems real and with much gloom, but I promise you that’s for those people that are still not awake.

The threat of the jab or getting the jab woke you up. Thank Our Mother, Father, God! That’s already enough to celebrate right there. Rejoice in that you have awakened during this new Age of Aquarius and its known as the Great Awakening! We are awakening to our new Selves. The real you! You know the one that just knows and doesn’t question it because you are listening to that voice inside you that is guiding you.

Geo and I feel privileged to be here with you all. I hope you’ll join us for our weekly zoom calls every Wednesdays and Saturdays @ 2:00 pm. You can find us on Telegram as World Benevolence Group also on Signal. Join our newsletter at If you have any questions you can email me at

Peace, Love, Light & Joy


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Signal – WBG


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