
“A New Theory of Money” by Restive Sage – 12.20.21



Entry Submitted by Restive Sage at 5:27 AM EST on December 20, 2021

Projected time limit for private banking and treasury compliance appears to be Nov 2022. However, the G20 and friends are already long committed. They are simply awaiting the directive to “flip the switch”. Another 160 nations are eager to jump in within weeks to avoid the risk of exclusion in a rapidly progressing scenario. As ever, there is a penalty for lagging. 

It has had a lot to do with the satellite network and its nodes. The orbital global coverage satellites are rather small, and they now encase the planet like a helmet. What we are not told is that there must be orbital security hubs of rather large size…100% secure…and 100% protected in the highest imaginable manner.

The imperative for PEACE among nations was not negotiable. It does no good for leaders to build the world’s new infrastructure, if it would be destroyed by warfare, internecine civil conflicts, and heavily-armed psychopathic puppets of evil incarnate. The imperative rhetoric as to INCLUSIVITY has been an echo chamber for 9 years. It also was not negotiable. Now, no one shall be left behind. 

The edifices and technology to come will be designed with a love of Gaia and its peoples. Does it sound like pie-in-the-sky? Just watch! Trust me when I say that Technology can finally now serve the people, not just the elite. There are an estimated 2.5 billion people without cell phones today. That does not meet the test of inclusivity. Those corporations and companies that truly serve real human needs will have 2.5 billion potential new customers. These customers will come in what will seem no time at all. Those countries where these people live, will see their economies transformed and full employment scenarios emerge. With full-employment, at fair wages, people can end poverty loops, and transition into healthier and safer lives. 

What most out-of-the-loop financial analysts and classically trained Phd types are missing is the magnitude of the upgrades achievable using “A New Theory of Money”. This is but one of the newest tangible gifts for Gaia. You are in fact a rather large cog in that mechanism.

The working concept of money has been based in the past on “agreement” and “secure monetization in trades”. It is the streamlining of barter. It is axiomatic, however, even to the reaches of the universe, that one must have faith in the transferability mechanism. For many millennia, gold, silver, and reserve currencies have fulfilled this role on Gaia: primitive, but manageable in the main, when done right. As a legacy of the so-called Mercantile Era and the power exerted by increasingly dominant earthly empires, manipulations of old-money theory emerged. These were an ingenious set of permutations on the fractional banking theme and the control of the printing of fiat paper money. Unfortunately, the modern era saw much perturbation of the balancing act required. Any effort to limit the POWERFUL marriage of Money, Military & Technology became a challenge to the elitists. Sometimes they responded with murderous fury, and leaders fell, and nations fell. Mind control mechanisms of the various modern medias proved very valuation to the elitists as they came about. But those tricks will soon be further exposed for all to see. 

It is a new dawn for Gaia. Brothers and sisters, there is no better Sound in the Universe than that of metal shackles clinking as they fall away to the ground. There is no better Feeling in the Universe when Love exhorts you to aid a living thing in need. There is a certain Celebration that occurs when we humans turn away from evil and embrace the magnificence that is far the better part of Duality.




I see it clearly. There will be a swift breeze of elevated discernment that spreads like wildfire among the peoples. They will learn soon that there already IS new leadership for Gaia. Indeed, at a much higher level than some might think, a new Consciousness has come to inspire us. There were prophets and there were angels; have we not heard? Those who can mesh their inherent divinity with the Music of the Spheres will nurture the nations to new heights of Love and Light.

I am ready! I pray all will find a Peace and Joy that soothes their souls like a pleasantly warm breeze at sunset. Let us behold the stars at night, yes, the destinations of our soul’s birth. Do you not visit there when you dream? You are all ready. Let the beauty of this Paradise no longer be disturbed, and its seductions lead us not astray.

Restive Sage


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