
The Big Call w/ Bruce Intel Notes 1-18-22



Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-18-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday January 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in all over this beautiful marble globe – Thanks for listening whether it’s live or on the replay – I’m excited and let’s have a great call tonight

Alright let’s talk about where we are and why we’re here as far as the intel is concerned – We had very strong information from the lead bank that we would get notified – our email notifications – and toll free numbers – on Monday – yesterday – let me get my mind right to remember how this happened –

We actually had information pointing towards late Friday afternoon and that did not work out and then we had information that the banks information was getting leaked out a little too much and they decided to kinda shut down communication between the corporate bankers and their branch people – until 10am this morning –

So they were shut down yesterday afternoon until around 10 am or so – that’s fine – I thought ok – maybe that means something could pop today after 10 or 10:30 am – Well – it didn’t but what did happen was we finally got some pretty good information that the tier 3 people and bond holders – remember they have not had access to funds yet – ok – but we got word that some would get access to funds tomorrow (Wed) and some would get access on Thursday –

Remember these are not the introducers to the bond holders that those guys – anybody involved in that – which we know of some that were involved in introducers – they picked  up 1% and they have already – at least I don’t know if every one of them have – but most have been allowed to receive those funds of their 1% introducers fees

But the people that have the large bonds / boxes of bonds /  and all of that – they will get access to 20% of the total for the first 6 months and then after that they should have access to any of the remaining balance of the 80% – that is something that they will – some of the emails are coming out early tomorrow morning – and some will probably come out Thursday but regardless it’s a good indicator that that is very close to looking like a shotgun start for tier 4B as well




We picked up information today that looked very strong and it was some international information that looked very strong for us to be notified over the next 48 hours – and that was brought out yesterday – Monday

So – we were getting that indication – sometimes the sources that bring us things are not bank sources – they might be international financial sources but not necessarily bank people – so the information is showing very high expectation for the release of ——- I hate to say it ——- everything gets released – but that sort of is the verbiage that was used – “everything gets released over the next 48 hours” – that would take us through Thursday –

We had additional information that was talking about a release time frame for it that would include Wednesday and Thursday and we don’t know exactly when we are getting the toll free numbers / emails sent out tomorrow? And then start exchanging maybe on Thursday – or some combination – maybe we get actually started by tomorrow – but I feel comfortable knowing that something is going down on or by the 20th of this month –

We also heard about a week or 10 days ago that the 20th was valuable for us because we should be – we should very well be getting the — and by the way – the Military does not use the term “Martial Law” – they use the term Military Law – ok – just a heads up – so yes could Military Law start on the 20th?  Yes I think it could – could we have a beginning of the Emergency Broadcasting System starting on the 20th as has been said in the last 10 days or so – I think YES – it is quite possible

And are we looking for possible changes that we’ve all talked about and…. The idea of what do we think will happen with the NESARA and GESARA which was supposed to sort of – “kick off” in a bigger way this month – starting last Saturday – and we saw a reference to that as a crawler across the bottom of some sites at President Trumps speech and rally in Arizona – I did not see it but was told about it – it was pretty cool

 So what is the easiest thing for them to forget / and forgive in terms of debt forgiveness? It’s probably student loans – and I would think that we would see that as one of the first things as far as debt forgiveness is concerned

There are several other aspects of it we’ve mentioned in the past – we’ve talked about birth certificate bond money – because they traded your birth certificate like a bond – since you were born – that money you are entitled to – also tax money paid in – going back to the 1940’s – bank loans – a lot of things that we signed up for and paid off or did not pay off – mortgage interest – I think we are going to get a bigger heads up about this probably before the end of this month – so we’ll see how that looks –




Now for  us that get the exchanges done – it may not matter that much to us but it’s nice to know for everybody else that’s out there – they may not be involved in currency that they are going to have money coming back to them – that is a very positive thing – for us all

Yes we have been chosen for such a time as thins – and I’m excited that we have been and we see ourselves as vessels to be utilized by the Lord to effect change and level the playing field across this globe – I think it is an amazing time to be alive and to see and witness the things that are about to take place and we have to have been patient for this to manifest

But this is happening in God’s timing and we know that we believe that timing is very close –I think we should get something in the next couple of days and that’s not just me – but from several sources –and I think that it makes sense – especially since we were going to receive —- now that I think back on it – we were going to receive our notifications yesterday evening – late afternoon – to me – 4-6 pm – and that did not occur but I think everything is back up and running – Martin Luther King Day was observed by the banks and we have the ability to move forward –

I think we will and I will feel much better when the bond holders do get access to their funds tomorrow and Thursday – because they have been pushed back a day or two more at a time for months now – so it will be good to have that out of the way – and have them paid and then our start should be almost in conjunction with their access to their funds –

Really – when we get this close to the end there is not a whole lot else to talk about that we haven’t already talked about tonight – I would say to keep our eyes open – I do not have a timeframe for tomorrow or Thursday but I want us to stay vigilant and be aware of the possibility of getting notification tomorrow and/or Thursday –

Let’s see what happens – I think we’re that close 0 obviously we have been close before – or at least we thought we had – we got confirmation today that the StarLink Satellite System has been actively connected – the QFS fully connected – we are getting some word from some of the Military sites that everything is active and is connected – everything is good to go  and be on the lookout for the possibility of going to Military Law on Thursday – and I think that means – you know we have our National Guard and others already covering all 50 states and yes even Hawaii –and Alaska – so we’ve got the coverage out there and I believe that if there is any insurrection or any kind of problem coming that they will squash it like a bug

Thanks everybody for listening

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:08:44

Source: Dinar Recaps





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