
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of June 10, 2022



Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 10 June 2022

Compiled Fri. 10 June 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

National Guard on High Alert
Military Worldwide on Alert
World’s Largest Military Sting Operation About to Unfold

Starvation Alert:
The Planet Has 10 Weeks of Wheat Left in Storage.
Food Shortage Expected to Last Through 2023

On Wed. 8 June a massive blast crippled US liquid natural gas exports to the European Union when 20% of the Texas Coast Facility production was wiped out.

“Of Miracles and Examples”
Joni Hilton
January 30, 2022- #4820 Music & the Spoken Word (

In the midst of calamities we wish we could change the world – or at least some small part of it – though feel like it would take a miracle to make a difference.

Albert Schweitzer once said, “Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.”




There’s a good chance that one act of kindness could spread beyond the person you set out to bless, and grow into something much bigger than itself. That would be a miracle.

When we stop what we’re doing and listen to someone who’s anxious or distressed; when we reach out to someone who’s alone; when we say something encouraging or hopeful – those acts act of kindness can be contagious. Even a single smile and/or compliment can catch on. We never really know how far-reaching a small act of love can be.

God is a God of Miracles. He often intervenes to bless His children. It may be that the next miracle He has in mind will start with you. When you find yourself thinking that it would take a miracle to change the world for the better, consider being that miracle.

Judy Note:

  • Exposure is coming – worldwide.
  • This world’s largest Military Sting Operation is connected to Military Intelligence in 32 countries working together.
  • Militaries Across the Globe have been placed on High Alert.
  • The ‘How” Will be Hard to Understand for Most. Focus on the ‘Why.’ The ‘When’ is Now. Wed. 8 June 2022 Q.
  • You are advised to obtain food, water and fuel storage for yourself and family for a food shortage expected to be in high gear by Fall and last through 2023.

Global Currency Reset:

Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon a life changing, earth shattering Event or Events that would eventually implode the global economy. That deadline would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

  • Charlie Ward, head of the Redemption Committee: “Once I get the Green Light from the QFS Team I will inform you immediately. I will get the Green Light once the Tokens are moving. Currently it just FIAT that’s moving – to provide mobilization.”
  • Thurs. 9 June MarkZ: “The Banking side is leaning hard on everyone to shut up on the timing and on who is coming, going and when. There was a lot of chatter going on among Bond Holders and Paymasters that funds were moving.”

Thurs. 9 June 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456# This week there were Conference calls between US Treasury, Wells Fargo and Redemption Centers which indicated:




  • Tier 3 Bond Holders liquidity Fri. night 10 June.
  • Tier 4B notified Sat, Sun or Mon 11, 12, 13 June
  • Tier 4B could set appointments for early next week.
  • Fri. 10 June and Sat. 11 June Bank tellers will be trained on the Global Currency Reset.
  • On Wed. 8 June Iraq announced their new Dinar Rate, which was expected to be around $8 at the Redemption Centers.
  • Tier 5 the General Public, may go to the banks and exchange at the new rates starting Tues. 15 June.

Restored Republics What We Think We Know as of Thurs. 9 June 2022:

  • The DS was desperately trying to create a war for distraction, chaos, monetary gain and to bring in a new Internet that would need passports and full authoritarian control connected to banks, personal data and health passes.
  • A Global Financial Crash was imminent.

Trust the Plan:

Everyone is frustrated, and rightly so, that liquidity for the Global Currency Reset has yet to be made available to us.

Some in our Tier 4B Internet Group have been sending requests asking me to use my contacts to tell President Trump to pull the trigger. Can’t do that. Don’t have that kind of influence. It’s not my place, role, nor part of my job description.

This Restoring of Republics across the world through a Global Currency Reset was not about Tier4B making money off the GCR. The goal was set on a much higher level and was a whole lot more complicated.

It’s about rescuing millions of children and teens.

For the White Hat Alliance, the rescue and safety of those babies, children and teens was their highest priority.

And, it’s about taking funding away from elites who over the centuries have been using our hard earned money to gain power over The People and destroy our Planet. It’s about placing those monies back into the hands of The People so they could do humanitarian work and heal the World.

It’s about gaining control of our own lives and countries, taking ourselves away from the destructive grips of the elites.

Most of all, it’s about We The People of the world restoring our God-given Freedoms.




As such, the White Hat Military Alliance headed by certain US Pentagon Generals, not Trump, were the ones who would make the decision of when to press the trigger, disclose that countries around the world were now functioning under Martial Law until free and transparent elections could be held, and completing the Mass Arrests of those elites around the globe.

That might be happening right now, or would take one or more catastrophic Near-Death-to-Civilization Events to make it go.

The Global Reset has already begun, but when it would complete with liquidity flowing to Tier 4B was unknown – by anyone. They say that those giving out the timing were only guessing. The White Hats certainly were not about to tell us, or let the time, nor date, be known to anyone, including President Trump.

Realize that there is a Plan in motion. Trust The Plan. 

…Judy Byington

Global Financial Crisis:

  • Catherine Austin Fitts on Financial Warfare: “So they’ve been engaged in the financial coup for 20 years; we’re now coming into the end game. They have to consolidate the financial coup, and they vote on the going direct reset, and with that one decision, they made a decision over the next year to put 500 million people out of work. That’s the equivalent of dropping several nuclear bombs around the world. That’s financial warfare. And they made it intentionally; they made it knowingly, and it was a plan.”

Food, Fuel and Goods Shortages:

Trains, Planes Grounded:

Russia Exited the Matrix First, And Began to Free the World:

  • Russia exited the Matrix first and is now almost completely financially free from the US.
  • When Saddam Hussein announced in Iraq that he would no longer accept the US dollar for oil, two months later the war broke out in Iraq.
  • Many wars were started to preserve the American dollar.
  • Now Russia has finally broken the Petrol-Dollar (Fiat Money). The US is now in an existential crisis and Europe will follow.
  • The dollar is (almost) bankrupt and the cry for regulation of cryptocurrencies show the corruption and mutiny within the organised financial system bodies like the SEC revealing how Bitcoin and Ethereum are protected.
  • Russia has the Ruble, which is fully backed by gold. India, China and Russia have long had a different monetary system apart from SWIFT.
  • Ripple is slowly revealing to be the new QFS it was promised and hoped by many XRP and XLM long trusted believers.
  • It seems the time to flip the switch is very very close.
  • Exciting times. Flip the Switch. Eyes open. To be continued with you reporting the other side of the news.

(Note: Only financial related content was included in this report. You can view and download the full report on Operation Disclosure Official. ~ Dinar Chronicles)




Source: Operation Disclosure Official


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