
“The GCR Redemption will be an Enlightenment Game Challenge” by Mid Mess Fair – 8.25.22



Entry Submitted by Mid Mess Fair at 11:41 PM ET on August 25, 2022

The GCR Redemption Will Be An Enlightenment Game Challenge

Based on my understanding and long waiting experience about the Global Currency Reset GCR event and the world geopolitical, I can say the GCR redemption will be some kind of enlightenment game challenge. Nobody will get free money, but all must pass the “final test” in order to receive free money.

But the question and answer you cannot find on any online search engine. The topic will be about human life, human evolution development, spirituality, Earth planet in general.

The “ticket” and the “reward” will be the old out of date circulation bank notes such as the Zimbabwe trillion, iraq dinar, yugoslavia dinar, etc.

The maximum reward people can get is 100 trillion dollar (either in most popular currencies or the highest currencies or free choice).

The entire process should be:

Phase 1: ticket enter
Here is you need to send a photo/picture of the your currency (should be the old out of circulation bank note like the Zim 10 20 50 100 trillion).




Phase 2: receive questions and answer
Total questions will from 1 to 30 depend on the value bank notes you have enter.
Fill in the blank or multiple choice question type.

Could last 24 hour to 7 days.

Phase 3: receive result, money
You will only receive the overall result of how many % correct and the final sum of the money.
Depend on the outcome, if less than 1 milion per notes then you should not need to get to the interview round. All you need to do is sending your bank account number and wait.

But if you have high percentage correct answer and will become billionaire then most likely, you will must get into another physical interview round to confirm and check from the referees. Then you can have direct Tier 1 bank account that equal to commercial bank in the secret banking system or any bank you can choose from.

It could be online or offline.
Or the easy question will be appear online and you will do it online.
While the hard question will be offline test only (for whoever truly pass the online test).

What is easy, what is hard question, it is all depend on your level of enlightenment.

An example:
There will be total 15 question for anyone who have the 100 trillion Zim bank note.
1 wrong answer will remove 1 number from right to left.
1 correct answer will keep 1 number from left to right.




If you able to answer correct 15 out of 15 question then you will receive 100 trillion dollar/euro/any currency of your choices.
If you answer correct 8 question, then you will receive 10 000 000.

You need to understand that the powerful entities who are truly holding the wealth big gold, natural resources and the rich money public celebrities group or any kind of secret societies are not the same. And most of them do not care about gold, diamond or anything wealth like most mortal humans care.

Base on the current civilization development then I can feel and say that there won’t be any easy exchange cash from the Zim or Dinar or anything bank note, but they will become a ticket and “potential” reward for you to grab.

The old era where national government get free money is over because focusing on economy, money, wealth cannot assist people to grow, to develop. But only by giving out money to truly real smart intelligence people will encourage people to learn, to study, to think more.

So I hope all the currency holders to wake up and study more about life because the redemption will require knowledge wisdom to determine how much money you will receive.
Because if the “free money free lunch” truly exist then it must be occur already, not a long waiting many years so far.

You can receive up to 100 trillion dollar/euro/digital bit or just only 5000 dollar per notes, it is all depend on your level of enlightenment.

I also hope the entities who are holding that wealth better start the event already.

People cannot learn from dead or fear !

The era of real knowledge wisdom must begin.

Best Regard,
Mid Mess Fair






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