
The Office of POOFness Weekly Report: Update from POOF, Susan, DJ 10-2-22



” The Office of Poofness “


Greetings and Salutations,

Keep on holding the Light aloft for all the world to see.

We are assuring all of you who do that you

are making inroads into the sleeping minds of millions…..

Word does get around…..





We do not think that much is being done regarding Biden’s digital systems being in place by the end of this year.

Much is being said by the talking heads which are definitely not on the same vibration ; there are those within the ranks that are beginning to question what is being done.

Whistleblowers are coming into their own…

Love and Kisses,



Dear Community





From Kryon Book VIII – Passing The Marker – Page 117

The Grand Avatar

What does a grand avatar have that you seem not to? The answer to that question is: COMPLETE SELF-AWARENESS.

When you discover the divinity inside, your DNA changes to accommodate the reality of your discovery. This is also called “creating your own reality,” a subject we have explored before.

Your DNA is perfect, but you have allowed restrictors to be placed in your body that provides for short lifetimes, disease, and imbalance.

With intent, these restrictors are lessened and the DNA is allowed to become closer to what it was designed to be. All of this was created by you and for you.

Now you are being enabled to bring the DNA into a state that will respond to your consciousness.


through Lee Carroll, the Original Kryon Channel (via




P.S. To explore this topic more fully, you can download Kryon Book VIII – Passing The Marker through Kindle.

PP Update: “Waiting on a call is what I was told”. There seems to be some high expectation in the air at the Moment…..I sure hope the smiles continue.

“That is a very good sign for us.”





Oct 2nd Post 2022 (Fund distribution explained)

How are the funds generated for a GCR/RV? Private Placement Programs or PPP is one way. First off trade platform can only trade cash. An investor puts up the cash for the trade. The cash is blocked and a mirrored account is set up reflecting the blocked funds. ( Block funds means the cash can’t be used for a defined period of time). The bulk of the proceeds from a trade must go to an approved project. Once the project is saturated (paid for) the trade stops. This is why platforms are constantly looking for projects. There are more details on how it works but that’s the gist of it.

Another source is generational accounts. In some cases these accounts date back centuries. These accounts have piled up over the years and have reached enormous amounts. Only a portion of these funds are in the monetary system. They will be released into the system in a methodical manner so as not to cause drastic economic impact. Think of it as the same as printing money. Money supply has to be controlled. Overprinting is the recipe for inflation. Or too much money and not enough goods, prices get driven up. These old money’s also have a project requirement attached to them.




Historical Assets are another way. These historical assets are a financial instrument. And like all financial instruments they are backed either by hard assets (Gold, or other precious metals) or guarantees. Guarantees from sovereigns or legacy financial institutions. In order to reallocate the values attached to these instruments or release the guarantees, the instruments original obligations must be satisfied.

The old moneys’ will have project requirements attached to them. The new moneys’ I.E. Zim, Dong , Dinar, Rupiah etc., won’t have project requirements (unless they are backed by the old assets). While no project requirement may be attached to the funding, how the funds are distributed into the economy will have restrictions. These funds must be spent on goods and services. The asset values ( say gold) are allocated to these funds but the values are not applied. As the funds leave the account for the purchase of the goods or services, the allocated values are applied. You won’t be able to pull $500 million out in cash or sponsor an election. Gotta buy something. This controls release of funds relative to GDP.

The Iraqi Dinar (RV) stands on its own. When a country enters into a war its currency is pretty much devalued down to nothing. For a country to print its own currency it must be accepted by the global community. So the government of the country must be stable and functional to establish the good faith of their country. Basically the rest of the world has to have faith they pay their bills and obligations. Iraq has a large deposit of gold that is being held in Switzerland and will only be released once they have their affairs in order and can show stability. They also have their natural resources that can be used to back their currency Then their currency will either be “re-instituted” meaning re-institute its original value or revalued (RV) based on its current economic status and GDP.

This is an elevator explanation of things and is way more complex with a multitude variables but that’s the gist of it.



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