
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of January 4, 2023



Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 4 Jan. 2023

Compiled Wed. 4 Jan. 2023 12:01am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Grandpa Tom Harper’s Creed
I will begin each day with a prayer.
I will treat my body as a Temple of God.
I will appreciate and enjoy life’s blessings.
I will live by faith, not fear.
I will laugh every day.
I will think the best of others.
I will practice the Golden Rule.
I will bring happiness to some poor unfortunate person.
I will return good for evil.
I will harbor no resentments.
I will meet situations as they come.
I will leave the future to God.

Love Thy Neighbor: A Special Tabernacle Choir Event – YouTube

Judy Note: At a young age I carefully planned out my financial future: I would obtain a higher education, good job and raise a family without financial worries. Boy, was I naive.

Like many, I ended up having my share of financial challenges and looked forward to the Global Currency Reset when I would finally have a life filled with financial freedom. Of course, I had spent a lot of energy planning out the implementation of my Humanitarian Project, but as this time drew closer to receiving notification for the actual exchange/redemption appointment, I found my mind wandering into dreams of a nicer home and trips to far off places. I was drifting away from completely dedicating myself to helping others, while feeling that the money was what would lead me to a life filled with complete happiness – until yesterday when I found a copy of my grandfather’s Creed as shown above.

After my grandpa Tom Harper passed to the other side we found the Creed among his personal affects, handwritten on faded paper. I realized it was a formula for Happiness – for finding the good in the world and expanding on it – for never giving up, no matter the challenge.

Grandpa was a God loving, happy and humble farmer who immigrated to America in his teens.




He could write a beautiful script in the lost art of Old English Handwriting, was an accomplished musician, singer and dedicated worker who as a teen, worked hard enough to earn enough money to pay in full for a few acreages near Lava Hot Springs Idaho. There he built practically by himself, his own home and established a chicken and egg farm that fed the grocery store in town.

At the Lava Hot Springs First Ward and throughout his entire adult life, he was the pianist and chorister, plus brought Sunday School lessons to the Lava Hot Springs Old Folks home. Later in life he grew to be much older than those he taught in the home. You see, Grandpa never gave up on putting himself in a place where he could serve others.

He fell in love and married three times. His first two wives died during childbirth, so he just worked on finding another to take her place. You see, Grandpa never gave up on seeking and finding, happiness.

He never had money to spare for Christmas presents, so each year and in turn, just one of his six children received a handmade gift – months in the making. My mother’s was a beautiful Cedar Chest made out of the oak of shipping crates that carried equipment to the farm. You see no matter the challenge, Grandpa never gave up on being able to provide for his family.

For two weeks in the Summer when I was in grade school my sister and I visited him on his farm. There he whistled songs to his animals as he worked, dawn to dusk. He had a cow named Bossy, who would turn from grazing in the pasture to his whistle at the gate, the other cows following her lead to be milked.

Like myself and many, he had his share of financial problems – most not of his doing. When his bank closed shut without warning, confiscating his meager savings along the way, he just kept on paying his tithing to the Church and saving more. No matter the debt he had, that 10% of his earnings went to Heavenly Father. That was God’s money, and if he didn’t mess with it, his debts would be taken care of. And, it was. When he died he had no debt, though that was only because Grandpa never gave up on paying his obligations.

By the time his eldest grandson Rulon was called to serve on a mission for the Church to grandpa’s hometown of Lancashire England, he had saved enough to help cover Rulon’s two years there. He was excited that Rulon could share the true Gospel of Christ with those of his old home town. Unfortunately, Rulon died in a car accident before completing his mission. So, Grandpa put the money into an organ for the Church. There the money could produce music to inspire people. You see, Grandpa never gave up on serving others.




Money was not important to Grandpa. Being a good person was. He believed that when it was all over, those good memories were all that you could take with you to the other side. He must have taken a whole lot of good memories to the other side because my whistling Grandpa was never one to give up on searching for, and finding true happiness.

Global Currency Reset:

Warning from Wolverine: They have rolled out their new Fed Coin. It is not gold/asset backed. You will have a choice of using the digital Fed Coin that has no assets to back it, or you can participate in the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System: ‘The Fedcoin is HERE’: Glenn Beck reveals what the Fed was up to while YOU weren’t watching. QFS Marker “They started their CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency. Yes, the Fedcoin is here. Now they rolled it out on Wednesday — I mean, that was the only day they could do it, you know, because they’ve been denying that any of this stuff was happening. But they could only get it [launched] when no one was paying attention. So they rolled it out, and it’s in its beta test now.”

  • Tues. 3 Jan. MarkZ: “From the banking side, I got one great message overnight that simply said ‘S*** has started.’ If my sources are correct legislation for the Iraqi Oil and Gas Law will complete on Wed. 4 Jan. Within hours of that…we go.”
  • Mon. 2 Jan. Okie on Twitter: “The (Dinar) rate is now new. This is done. Could post now to within 24 hours. Will sooner rather than later, IMHO, according to sources, info, bank screens are active. We wait for the ‘drop.’ Tomorrow or Wed. according to what sources say. We are getting sources estimating rates between $4-8.”
  • Iraqi citizens have been celebrating their revaluation according to their domestic News Announcements.
  • NESARA/GESARA was said to have started Sun-Mon 25, 26 Dec. Many Social Security recipients have received letters showing a significant increase in their checks beginning Jan. 1 2023.
  • Sunday 1 Jan. 2023 began the Golden Jubilee Year across the Globe.
  • It was the goal to have all currencies of the world exchanging at a 1:1 with each other by March 2023 – a situation expected to last up to five years.
  • A Patriot: “I just called my bank in Manitoba, Canada and they will buy Vietnamese Dong from me today at a $1.39 exchange. It’s happening brother !!!”

Tues. 3 Jan. 2023 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#

  • A US Treasury contact who had strong connections, said all Tiers would begin receiving notifications sometime in a 30 hour window that began at noon EST on Wed. 4 Jan. and be finished by 6 pm EST Thurs. 4 Jan.
  • Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) redemption and exchange appointments would immediately follow.
  • The new UST Notes should be coming out the day we start our exchanges on Wed. 4 Jan. or Thurs. 5 Jan.
  • For the last several days the Iraqi Dinar has been positioned on the bank screens as IQN-USN and was being traded internationally.
  • A Bond Holder Paymaster said they would receive their funds on Wed. 4 Jan. and those funds would be active on Thurs. 5 Jan.
  • There were 5,000 US banks that did not meet Basel 4 Compliance protocols by Jan. 1 so were closing. Many of the US, Mexican and Canadian banks were consolidating or closing because their services would no longer be needed.

Judy Note: During the ten or so days of exchange, if you take your foreign currency to an appointment at a Redemption Center rather than a bank, you can obtain the special higher rates. They do not redeem Zim Bonds at a bank, only at Redemption Centers and only during a certain time period.

Worldwide Economic Collapse:

(Note: Only financial related content was included in this report. You can view and download the full report on Operation Disclosure Official. ~ Dinar Chronicles)

Source: Operation Disclosure Official


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