
“Questions to be Answered” by Danlboon – 3.8.23



Entry Submitted by Danlboon at 11:22 AM ET on March 8, 2023

Here are some questions you may be asking that we should know about real soon, yet I don’t know the answers to some and if I do then they are to what I have heard or presume it will be, and I hope I have answered them.

Will the Social Security Administration be shut down like the Federal Reserve and the IRS? If the law for it is unlawful from the Social Security Act August 14, 1935, as it set up a SSN/ID Number for us as chattel, then it should.

Do we still continue using our SSN to receive the benefits or for any bank account? I would think so as those funds may have been transferred to a gold backed federal account till we are to receive them, however it may be phased out for all the new people that would in time receive it.

Will everyone start receiving their SSI or SSDI funds when NESARA is announced and will it be the full $5,000? No, those that are presently receiving them will continue yet at a 2-3 times increase up to $5,000, and those that should receive them when they apply for them should receive them in a more expedient manner and not have denials with many loopholes to go thru like many have had before, just for the government to keep the funds.

Will the withholding of SSA taxes be halted from our paychecks? Most likely yes, as you will be receiving your NESARA monthly payments if you are 21 years of age or older so there is no need for SSA funds to pay for your future.

Will the withholding of IRS and state income taxes be halted from our paychecks? Since the 16th Amendment was fraudulently ratified by only four states in 1913, and I know the California tax code is reliant on the Internal Revenue Code, all income taxes will be halted.

Will all our previous income taxes and penalties be refunded? They should be, as it should not just be included in our NESARA $100,000 monthly payments to keep the present government bookkeeping at a minimum, and those that are wealthy should not lose out by paying more taxes in the past while they receive the standard payouts now like everyone else.




Will businesses and corporations be refunded previous income taxes and penalties they paid in as they will not receive the NESARA monthly payments or have a QFS Account? Most likely yes, yet it will be set up differently and no info has come out how that will work.

Will the withholding of medicare and other taxes be halted on our paychecks? Most likely yes, as if it is going into a federal fund then it is presently a federal profit, but I think there will be other insurance programs set up to accommodate everyone.

Will employers be penalized for not halting the withholding of any taxes when there is no one to send it to and they keep it for themselves? Absolutely, thus you may need to be a whistleblower as they just committed fraud and theft on you as it cannot be based just on their beliefs it is not true.

How soon will we transition to the 1950’s prices? It will not be immediately, but it may take a few months like riding a merry-go-round as many entities and people are involved.

Will employers be mandated to lower employees wages or will the employers be penalized for lowering them too soon when the prices around them have not yet lowered enough to even things out? I think there will be a standard set to phase everything in and not hurt some while making mega profits for others when it should be leveled out for all.

Who will be kicking the can on this first? We will just have to wait and see.

When can we get access to our QFS Account and where will we if our bank or credit union has been shut down? There should be a public notice put out once NESARA is announced, and if your financial institution has closed then you can access your QFS Account at any other one and you should not be denied except for if you do not meet the NESARA qualifications which should not change from one institution to another.




Must you be 21 years of age or older to access your QFS Account? I would think not, as some move out on their own at the age of 17 or 18 and need funds, but as long as you have proof of your birth certificate and meet NESARA qualifications you should even at the age of 16, yet I’m not positive on that. One qualification is that you have a Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth.

Must you be born in the USA to have a QFS Account? No, if you are a lawful US Citizen and can show proof of where you were born you should not be denied or have to move back to your birth country, yet there may be some other ways to be able to access your QFS Account here in the states as it is GESARA, but illegal immigrants will lose all their present government funding and be able to access their own QFS Account in their own country.

Will everyone receive their NESARA $100,000 monthly payments once the NESARA announcement is made? No, It has been reported that those from 61 years and up will receive it first, then those 41-60 years and then 21-40 years, and it may be an equalized amount of people spread over the month’s time, yet it may take a month or two to get them all out for the first payments.

Will it actually be the NESARA $100,000 payments paid on a monthly basis over 11 years? Yes, Why should here in the USA 300 million people be paid only $1,100,000 when there are more than a quattuordecillion times that in government funds and some people paid more than that in taxes in one year.

And I haven’t even gotten into many others people may ask.



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