
“Questions to be Answered, Part 3′ by Danlboon – 3.12.23



Entry Submitted by Danlboon at 9:12 AM ET on March 12, 2023

How many more questions can I think of which you may be asking that we should know answers to real soon as more keep coming up, yet I hope I get the answers near correct the way they will be coming out.

If the Republic elections countdown for the 120 days began with Trump’s NESARA/GESARA announcement in Dubai on March 8 then we must have the elections in 111 days on June 27 as the next Tuesday is July 4th a holiday at 118 days.

Can Trump set the election date as June 27 or sooner because the NESARA announcement has already been made elsewhere in the world and thus it is more of a guarantee he will win the election? He should not, as that is a real con on the people almost like election fraud. For the Republic elections to be the following Tuesday July 11 the 120 days’ limit for the NESARA announcement has to be Monday March 13, no sooner.

With the reports of SCOTUS deciding to have a hearing on the Brunson case will it happen ASAP and that pushes for Trump to make the NESARA announcement in the USA for the Republic? This is a major issue and can have 388 people removed from office if they are still are there, but put a military watch on them as really they all committed Treason for election fraud.

Can we have SCOTUS make a decision of the Brunson case and then have the US Military go into Congress and walk all the unconstitutional members out on Monday March 13? Maybe if we are that lucky, and then Trump can make his USA NESARA announcement with the EBS to follow next.

When can people be informed that we have a Republic for new candidates to run for political office to be able to campaign in time as all positions are open; federal, state, county and local? We will just have to wait and see when Trump wants to make it public.

Will we be required to fill out all the paperwork of removing ourselves as a US Citizen and have it notarized and approved to become Sovereign like the American State Nationals? No, as it was not done to become a US Citizen except for the 14th Amendment all at once, and it would incur much work and possible fraud coming from it the government won’t have time for 300 million people.




Will the USTNs be released at the banks and credit unions immediately once NESARA is announced? They haven’t yet, as the announcement hasn’t reached the USA, but when it does I think it should be.

Will the USTNs be exchanged on a 1:1 ratio with the FRNs? Absolutely, as the FRNs have not gone to a zero value or any inflation rate at this time to destroy all Americans.

Will the USTNs be exchanged only within 30 or 60 days and not per the NESARA Act stated one year? That is still up in the air as it up to the New US Treasury as to how to control it from the corrupt people.

Will the police be making arrests for anyone that has USTNs when they haven’t heard of them being available? Most likely yes, it will take some time for it to get thru the chain of command out to the people and all the general public may not know they are available so 911 calls will be made.

Will debts of all kinds be cleared from people’s accounts and when? Some have already started, so it may be a slow process for now, yet it will speed up once the stock market has crashed and the financial institutions have no more credit to give out, and it will not be just certain companies that are to clear the debts, but all of them.

Will someone that steals our Social Security Card/Number and other ID info will they be able to access our QFS Account or use our QFS card to purchase whatever? Most likely not, as it should be set up with high security to prevent it, yet what I said before about having your BC or CoLB number on it is that will be to receive your first access, but the QFS Account is based with your SSN, yet you will need more security than just that to use it regularly. And Walmart has credit cards that do not need a signature or PIN and it will not be like that for the QFS.

What if our QFS card is lost or stolen how will we get access to our Account? I think you will just have to go into the financial institution where you got access in the first place and go thru the process again as you did before.




Will seniors or disabled people that are incapacitated or incoherent be able to have access to their QFS Account or receive NESARA monthly payments? Yes they will, but it will be on certain conditions based on the NESARA authorities for a designated people access, so old folks homes and medical facilities will not squander off with the funds, and a portion of the NESARA monthly payments should replace whatever is being paid now.

In marriage divorces will the funds of one partner’s QFS Account and NESARA monthly funds be given to the other now former partner? What I have said in the past is No, as if someone that cannot survive today on even $100,000 per year then they should not be able have access to the $2 million plus from the other partner and make them live in poverty.

On the income tax issue, will we be receiving a refund of our present taxes that our employer withheld once the announcement is made? Yes you should, directly from your employer as businesses and corporations work on a quarterly system of payment to the government, thus up till March 31, 2023 they would have to pay you back directly from their accounts.

Will we have to file 2022 income tax returns for the IRS and the state? Some have already said no, but those taxes were already sent into the IRS and the state, thus in order to get them refunded then you should file Zero income tax returns with no deductions to get them all back, or the taxing agencies will automatically be sending you checks for what you should not have paid.

Will those charged with income tax evasion and still incarcerated be released from prison once NESARA is announced in the USA? Yes, yet not immediately, but once the judges are retrained in Constitutional Law it will take time as there are so many, although there may be judges that are willing to do so ASAP. Those that committed tax fraud however will stay in prison till they go before a Common Law Court, and this is where they wanted more back than what they had to pay if it were just Zero.

How will the government financially survive without the income tax? The same way from 1913 and before, Tariffs and We The People volunteering without pay to serve in government, yet this time those that do volunteer in government have their NESARA monthly payments at $1,200,000 per year not just the highest of the President at $400,000 per year. And you cannot survive on that even with the 1950’s prices?

Will those that are charged with crimes and/or incarcerated be receiving access to their QFS Account and NESARA monthly payments? Their QFS Account will only be available for their defense funds and penalty payments, but it might be voted on to have it pay for their incarceration costs as it usually only costs about $45,000 per year, and the NESARA payments should only start after they are released if they have proved themselves reliable, but not denied for them to go into poverty.

Will the present corrupt officials that have not committed Treason be able to receive access to their QFS Account and NESARA monthly payments? If they are charged with crimes then it goes back to what I said about the inmates.

Will illegal immigrants be forced to leave thinking they will be impoverished back in their own country? This is NESARA/GESARA so it is world wide, yet I do not know the details of their Birth Certificate process for them to have a QFS Account, but they should at least receive the GESARA funds from their country not the USA.

Getting back to businesses and corporations not having a QFS Account, will they be having a new QFS Account of some type? Their business account will be in the new QFS, but it will not have the millions to start off with as the People do per their BC or CoLB as theirs will be zero, then they add their funds from their present accounts.






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