
The Office of POOFness Weekly Report: Update from POOF and DJ 3-4-24



” The Office of Poofness “


Greetings and Salutations,

There is somewhat better news today…. there are some breakthroughs occurring that will remove some of the obstacles that have forever been raging across the horizons for all of these intended breakthrough funds.  

There are efforts under way to remove some peple and certain other institutions that have held the doors bound shut. Now that is no guarantee but then nothing ever is !!  

What is know today is that breaks are occurring in many facets of the old guard and the new players are seeking to up end the whole scenario.  

Get your goods together and be ready for some very effective changes when the final decrees come forth.  There won’t be any fanfare nor any signals that say lets go— none of that !!  Only the awareness creeping through one by one by one that will let you know the time is now right to make a concerted effort to do the good will of the Father.  

All will benefit when this is completed. All will have resources and amazing freedoms that are now very far removed.  

Is it tomorrow? No; what has been said is that “Movement” has begun.!!

Love and Kisses,







The U.S. money supply is shrinking the most since the early 1930’s during the Great Depression. When money supply is lower, there’s less cash available to individuals and businesses. Consumer spending can fall. So can investment levels.

Money supply is the total amount of money in circulation. The “M’ status is used to measure money. MO, M1, M2, and M3. The smallest measure and most liquid measure is MO. MO is strictly the total amount of money in circulation plus commercial bank reserve balances at the Federal Reserve Bank. M1 is defined as the sum of currency in circulation, demand deposits at commercial banks and other liquid deposits. Sometimes referred to as “narrow money”.  M2 is everything included in M1 plus savings accounts, time deposits (under $100,000), and short-term time deposits such as money market funds and certificates of deposit (CD’s). M3 is everything in M2 plus larger time deposits and institutional money market funds.

The U.S. measures money supply in M2 and the M2 money supply is the lowest since the Great Depression. For an economy to grow the money supply must match the growth. So where is the money? The global M1 money supply,which includes all money in circulation plus travelers checks, demand deposits like checking and savings accounts is about $49Trillion. The U.S. M2 money supply is at a current level of $20.87 Trillion. It is estimated that between one-half to two-thirds of the value of all U.S. currency in circulation is outside the U.S.

So what does this mean? Contrary to popular belief the Fed can’t just print money. For the U.S. economy to grow it must retrieve its currency form outside the U.S and bring it home. One major way of achieving that is through currency exchange. Which in turn presents a strong argument for why a GCR is not only feasible but necessary. As much as 85% of the global economies, in some fashion, rely on the U.S. dollar being strong. AS the U.S. money supply moves so does most of the global economies. A Global Currency Rest would level the playing field for other currencies while at the same strengthening the U.S. dollar in the process. The question is, what comes first?

Recently I went to a restaurant and ordered a chicken and an egg just to see which would show up first. To my dismay they showed up at the same time. Now I’m still confused.






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Love and Kisses,
Team “Poofness”

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