
“The Non-Karma of Organizational Development” by Narada Rinpoche – 4.7.24



Entry Submitted by Narada Rinpoche at 12:00 PM ET on April 7, 2024

At the moment, all countries are one step away from the new economic development that the Earth Alliance is pursuing through the BRICS member countries by introducing the Gold Standard. The gold backing of national currencies will allow everyone to enter the Golden Age of Prosperity, development and the latest technologies, so all of us will find ourselves on the threshold of a New Era very soon, which will begin with the public announcement of NESARA / GESARA around the world. From this moment on, prosperity will begin in all countries, providing everyone with many opportunities to unleash their potential and show their abilities by actually understanding the value of their ideas. Therefore, it is the state that should support the initiative of each of its citizens and provide all people with the same options for different development for personal self-improvement. This will allow the country to build its Bright Future in the New Century sooner.

The worldwide deployment of GESARA (world law) is a unique opportunity for all people to follow only their own path of development, without looking back at other countries. In turn, NESARA (national law) allows each country to develop according to only its initial traditions, proven by time and history. NESARA also provides each member of our society (over the age of 18) with the opportunity to begin independent development on the path of their personal self-improvement. They should receive help from the state, which is interested in talented people and their achievements.

In the last century such country was known as the USSR. In this country there was an expanded organizational structure of people’s development, which was financed by the state. It helped all people to grow from childhood and show their talents at every stage of their growth: Octobers (younger students), pioneers (middle classes), komsomols members (high school students and students / youth), communists (adult initiative people). During a phased transition from one organization to another, it was easy to identify talents and find geniuses in order to help them to get their achievements. In the future one of them could become an asset of the country. All these organizations supported by the state helped children, youth and patriots to express themselves in Service to Others and participate in grandiose projects, such as the development of Virgin Lands, for example. The organization itself promoted particularly talented children/people by encouraging their development, which benefited society and provided new opportunities for the development of the country. Now this cannot be seen in any country in the world.

Many parties have been created in each country. They attract new members from the adult population to their organization, which is why there is great competition between them, because there are few initiative people who are really ready to serve the society. The largest parties have a youth direction, but only friends and acquaintances of those who have already joined it fall into it. Even rarer is the children’s branch of the party, which is known only to its adult members, as well as their families and friends. In each country, there are individuals who create separate organizations for children or youth, thus making their personal contribution to the development of the country. This is only a small percentage of the population who truly wants to serve society for the sake of their own ideals. But are all the talented people in the country included in this Percentage?

Maybe it is necessary to unite all parties into one common state structure by creating a single organizational network that would help everyone develop without exception, starting from early childhood. Patriots of the motherland are brought up at a young age so that they can show their potential as adults.

The segmenting of the parties will not give the country a better future, because they do not have a unified development system that would lead a talented person from his very childhood to identify a genius in him. Only the unification of parties into one state organization will help to find and grow a genius who will become the pride and asset of the country in the future. No one is born patriots of the motherland, they become ones as they develop. The state can finance them, thereby investing energy (resources) in the Bright future of their country.

Narada Rinpoche
April 7, 2024





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