
“The Cost of Living” by James Davidson – 4.24.24



Entry Submitted by James Davidson at 6:40 PM ET on April 24, 2024

The Cost of Living

It is a term with which we are familiar. We use it in our everyday lives, and most of us have never even considered the true implications of the phrase. Being brought up in a financial paradigm, these words and everything they entail have become second nature. We do not even think about the actual words on a deeper level. The average person could not—at this time—comprehend a life where you pay to live. 

Let me back up, here, just a bit for purposes of clarification. As each one of us has our own life to live, we all have our own choices to make. With that being said, some people on this planet do not even concern themselves with matters of finance. I am referring to people who live off-grid, completely off the land. The Alaskan bush and Sierra Nevada are just a couple of examples of those who prefer to live by their own means and not by the common city/countryside grid. 

Think about the cost of living for a moment. Most of us use money to buy the things that we need to live, i.e., food, clothing, and shelter. For some, even automobiles. Money is used not just for necessities, but pleasantries as well. Going out to the movies, playing golf, riding those wonderful roller coasters, and fine dining at a fancy restaurant are things that, while we may not need them per se, they nevertheless amuse us, fill us with joy and provide us with memories that last a lifetime. 

Moving forward, it comes as no surprise that there are also people who struggle with the cost of living. Being late on bills and unexpected expenses arising from even more surprising sources can be a source of great stress for many of us. The cost of living then becomes a burden, and paying to live is therefore more difficult. 

Think about that: paying to live. In a money-driven society, it is understood that we will need to utilize that specific medium of exchange in order to survive.  Without it, we would be homeless and hungry. In a money-driven society, without money, we could not live. 

This creates a problem, as chains have been placed upon the people who struggle. A form of slavery is thus born. It can be and is used to keep people wanting and needing more and more. 

That is not to say that there cannot ever be any good done in the world with money. Indeed, a lot of good has been and is being done on our planet. Those who work to make the world a better place use money for humanitarian purposes including—but not limited to—building homeless shelters, repairing the roads upon which we travel, and research to further mankind’s advancement in the medical field. All of those, while good, require money due to being in a money-driven society. It is the way we were raised, for we did not know anything else. 




Let us now shift our focus. Consider this: what if we did not have to pay to live? I am not talking about living in the bush or in a mountainside off the grid.  If we consider that the planet we live on has unlimited natural resources—and taking energy itself into consideration as well—would it not be plausible, then, to conceive of ways to make that a reality? As mankind’s consciousness evolves, we find new ways of making our lives more enjoyable.  

Nikola Tesla was one such man, an individual who, if not stopped, would have helped the people of our planet tap into free energy which would eliminate our energy bills. Many people laugh at the concept of free energy and vilify it every chance they get by labeling those who speak of it as a conspiracy theorist, or just plain crazy.  When viewing existence at the atomic level, it is not out of the realm of possibility to think that we could use the infinite energy in the universe to manifest whatever it is we need or want into our lives.  

Technologies that bring those things to fruition may be closer than we think. With free energy, we would not have to pay for electricity. Because electricity is already in abundance, what sense does it make to make our lives harder by paying for that which is infinite? Having the power shut off in your home because you did not pay your electric bill is no fun; rather it really is a crime to force such an extreme amount of lack upon a person or family who may already be struggling enough as it is. 

Because water is in abundance, what sense does it make to hand over the result of our hard-earned efforts for the substance which our body so desperately needs to thrive? Not being able to take a shower or flush the toilet because the water bill was not paid would no doubt make people’s lives miserable. 

It is not farfetched to consider that some of the things we see in science fiction shows like Star Trek and even Star Wars, Stargate, and so on, already exist, and that the reason we do not see them is because there are those who wish to keep humanity enslaved. Society would advance rather quickly if technologies like med beds, celestial chambers, replicators, and free energy devices were available to the public. Of course, it would take some time for people to acclimate to a new way of living, but there would be a definite change in how we live our lives. 

With something like a replicator/de-replicator, we would no longer have to worry about doing our own laundry, buying clothing, and a lot of other things that we would normally buy on a day-to-day basis. This is because these devices would produce all of that or dispose of all of that (as in the de-replicators). There are a lot of videos online where we can see examples of the types of replicators that will become available to the public in the future. With that being said, these devices would eliminate money, for the energy needed to produce said items is infinite.  We would no longer have to worry about having enough money to buy clothes or other items with replicators. 

Let us focus on free energy devices now. With free energy, which is infinite, there would be no need for electricity bills. Devices would be available to provide the energy we would need to power our homes, phones, and other devices that use electricity. That would put a lot of people out of jobs, which at first would cause a lot of stress. How would I make a living now? By freeing up one’s time, one would have the ability to live one’s life according to the desires of the heart, to spend time doing what the person loves to do. With free energy, the cost of living would be dramatically reduced. This would give us a lot more time to spend with our family and friends and live a happy life. 




With med beds and celestial chambers, there would be no need for the traditional hospital, since those technologies would restore the body to optimum health, no matter what the anomaly is. Doctors and nurses would be out of a job; however, there would be the need for people to operate the med beds. With advanced healing technology, we would no longer need to worry about going to the hospital to get stitched up because of an accident; no longer would we need to worry about cancer and other terminal illnesses. As such, the cost of living would go down immensely. 

All this technology will require us to alter our frame of mind, meaning that we will need to get used to a new way of living. By the time money is phased out of existence here on Earth, we as a collective will already have evolved to the point of living our lives with love and kindness in our hearts. Because of this, there will be no need for worry, fear, anxiety and all the other lower-vibrational emotions that keep us from achieving our potential in life. It may take a bit of time for things to fully settle into our minds, to have a full grasp of the lives we will live, but the changes will be necessary for Earth and all life therein to be in optimum condition. By that I mean we would then be at the point where we can live our lives in happiness. 

So, with all these technologies and changes, we would not be paying to live. The cost of living would be a thing of the past, as money would not be needed.  To reiterate, it may take some time for these changes to come into effect, but all of us on this planet are headed in the direction of sovereignty; and so, it is! 

Peace be with you!



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