
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 20, 2021



Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 20 Sept. 2021

Compiled Mon. 20 Sept. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

God Bless America & Patriotic Music – The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square – Bing video

Judy Note: A volcano on LaPalma Island off the East Coast was causing a land detachment. If the entire chunk of land the size of Manhattan, NYC tears away from the island and slides into the Atlantic Ocean, a Tsunami would be generated. That Tsunami would strike the US East Coast seven hours later, possibly inundating several miles on the US coastline under tens of feet of water and destroying almost everything in its path as it comes ashore.

On the opposite side of the world in China the Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising while there were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India, causing significant destruction.

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification to set exchange/ redemption appointments was expected during or after those upcoming Defcon 1 Scare Events.

With banking coming to a halt as orders of national lockdowns came into effect, you were advised to put away at least 2-3 weeks of cash, food and essential supplies.

Food Shortage: CO2 shortage may ‘cancel Christmas’, major poultry supplier warns. A shortage of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas means Christmas dinners could be cancelled, the owner of the UK’s biggest poultry supplier has said. A steep rise in gas prices has caused two large fertiliser plants in Teesside and Cheshire which produce CO2 as a by-product to shut, hitting supply to the food industry.




Are you ready for The Global Financial Reset? The Great Reset was the Deep-State plan. The white hats plan is NESARA/GESARA. We also like to call it The TrumpSara. Watch Here:

Our BOOOOOM Week Ahead:

Phase 1: The Audits…
Phase 2: The Storm…
Phase 3: The Rapture…
Grand Finale: Salvation…
Until Then – Enjoy the Show.
Judgment day is near.

BOOOOOM! The Event: China’s Three Gorges Dam Crash would trigger Crypto, Bitcoin and Market Crashes, which would then trigger halting of global manufacturing, shipping/port closures, trading, with trucking strikes globally. Plus, Banks would come to a halt, with no transactions made. Sun. 19 Sept. Three Gorges and Danjiangkou Dams were rising! There were earthquakes in Gifu, Japan and India. 3GD is just a straight line! Today is almost full moon, and a prime day 919.

Restored Republic:

The following was received on Mon. 13 Sept: Seven Presidential messages from Trump-Team would soon be sent to every phone in the world, after which service would be disconnected.

We would receive seven messages from the president to every mobile phone in the world before it is disconnected. This won’t last long. All you need was a connection to the television system to broadcast emergencies. The Emergency Broadcast System would be broadcast by 10 countries, covering the globe.




Power supply to be interrupted: The global power cut would consist of switching to Tesla power. To destroy the media, QFS would implement Cyber Attacks and destroy 34 buildings and dams. In January the power supply of 10 countries was disrupted by space plants. Shortly before, within 30 minutes, this was the case in Israel. If they could do this to 10 countries at the same time, they could also do it to all countries.

Airplanes and trains would be grounded. Let’s not forget about the military exercises happening around the world. Everything was happening in front of our eyes. This was the largest military operation in the history of planet Earth.

White Hats would cause a Black Swan Event, which was an occurrence that deviated beyond what was normally expected of a situation and extremely difficult to predict. It would introduce a global State of War. This would be the most important summer of the 21st century.

Terrible events would happen – a fictional World War III scenario aiming to shake people awake. Sirens in all national military command centers would warn of a Nuclear Warfare.

Events would certainly lead to a collapse in the Stock Market and a worldwide military agreement. It would be very spectacular.

The Stock Market has been artificial on the verge of collapse for months – losing 95 % of Crypto Currencies values and would inevitably collapse.

Disaster events that triggered a State of Emergency would show that the army was delivering food and vital products around the world.

GESARA starts its full launch. See Sat. 11 Sept.’s article on Telegram. The program was scheduled to be released on September 11 as the twin towers exploded in New York, but was delayed for unknown reasons.

Source: Operation Disclosure Official


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