
“Words of Wisdom (Part 2)” by The Highlander – 12.6.21



Entry Submitted by The Highlander at 11:58 AM EST on December 6, 2021

“Words of Wisdom” by The Highlander – 12.3.21

Words of Wisdom (Part 2)

In my first post I highlighted a few words. One of those words was IMMINENT. Can I just reiterate that the word means.

Please  allow me to put it into sentence to further clarify.

The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the local authorities were momentarily stunned, and began frantically trying to prepare for what they feared were further imminent attacks.

In other words it means NOW! Not next week. Not next month. Not next year.





A strong belief or trust in someone or something.

I believe that faith in the intel being provided is rapidly dwindling. The credibility of those providing the intel must be following rapidly behind.

How can anyone have faith or trust in hollow words that never appear to be right?

I have faith in myself. I have faith in GOD. However, I have very little faith in the so called intel any more. I’m sure there must be more than a few people, if they looked deeply into their hearts, are feeling exactly the same way.

Michael is a prime example of this. His post headed “I Am Giving Up” speaks for itself. I can’t be sure if this was the same Michael who sent me a private message via Patrick. If it was. Thank you, and thank you Patrick for taking the time to forward it.


Current information for updating something like a report.




This does not mean continually repeating old information and trying to justify it as an update. Even worse, posting special and extra special reports with the same info.

I think I speak for most of us, when I say, we are not stupid. We are not in the first or second grade. We do not like having our intelligence insulted.

I think by now we know that:

“On Fri. 3 Dec. they were having a rough time rallying the Market as it was running on extreme fears. The Dow, Nasdaq and S&P 500 bounced up and down, and then was plummeted into the red by close. The US Dollar Index was also sharply down. Internationally everything was down but Japan.”

“The US was withdrawing the remaining 3,630 troops out of Iraq the night of Thurs. 2 Dec. so that Iraq could announce their sovereignty to the world on Fri. 3 Dec.”

“The US Inc. was out of money as of Fri. 3 Dec. Congress’s now-Feb. 2022 extension to shut down the government would not change that fact. The Stock Market has been in freefall since last Friday and ended in the red this Friday.”

“HSBC Bank (owned by the Chinese Elders) would lead the process through Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp. In the US, the redemption process would begin in Temple Texas, not Reno.”

There is no need to keep repeating this information. It’s not new, nor an update. There are many other examples of this, but I’m sure everyone gets the picture.

Now some may ask why faith is dwindling.

From a post published on December 6th. Towards the end of the post, you read:




“Sometime Sat or Sun 3,4 Dec. Bond Holders could receive access to their funds and at the same time Tier 4B should receive notification to start redemption/ exchanges.”

Are we now to believe that time travel is possible? That we can travel back in time a few days to see this actually happen?

“Incredible News” – RV Intel Update from Holly and Wolverine 12-3-21

Just letting you all know that I have received incredible news that the RV is definitely going to be released and notifications will be coming out any day now. The meeting with HSBC went fantastic as we are definitely having an early Christmas this month.

So get your Santa hats on as we are going to be soon knocking on peoples houses and give them a secret Santa gift to bring them joy to their lives.”

Three days later, we have nothing to back this up?


“Battle of Epic Proportions” – RV Intel Update from Holly 12-4-21

We are in the final battle of good vs evil. There is a battle going on behind the scenes of epic proportions. We don’t see it or know the details but it is real.

This is why the Rv/Gcr has not been released. Only when it is safe and secure will it be released.




We don’t want our money released only to have it stolen.

So our patience is needed during the cleaning of the swamp.

Let’s get this over the line this weekend. Get excited about this, feel it and know it’s coming. Feel an excitement stir within.

We collectively can push this over the line! Let’s do it! We claim this now!

Followed by:

“Slight Chance” – RV Intel Update from Holly and Wolverine 12-5-21

All sources say we are about to see this before Christmas. If all is handled backstage then yes we will, there is a slight chance it could go into next year.

We don’t know exactly what could happen between now and then. Have realistic expectations.

Most expect things to happen sooner rather then later.

Things appear to finally be on the final roll out. Keep the faith as this cannot be held up much longer.





It seems like a lot is happening.

Yesterday sovereign countries were paid and levels 1 to 3 were paid with blocks in the accounts.

RENO is expected to release our Tier 4 funds tonight and all blocks will be removed.

In other words. Totally contradictory statements in the same post???

So what are we meant to believe? What is it we are supposed to have faith in?

Finally a word of warning to those who say “This is in Gods hands.”

NO IT IS NOT! It’s in the hands of mere mortals. God put us on this earth with FREE WILL. How we use that FREE WILL is up to us and GOD does not interfere. Humankind, or at least part, has misused that FREE WILL in the past. Now it’s time to put that right and GOD is watching.

Trust in the Love and Light of God.

The Highlander





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