
IDC Community Thought(s) – 4.25.22



“May your week be filled with good thoughts, kind people, happy moments, and unexpected blessings.”

“Everything will work out in the end. You don’t need to know how. You just have to trust that it will.”

“Forgive anyone who caused you pain or harm. Keep in mind forgiveness is not for others. It is for you. Forgiving is not forgetting. It is remembering without anger. It frees up your power, heals your body, mind, and spirit. Forgiveness opens up a pathway to a new place of peace, where you can persist despite what happened to you.”

“Your brain will constantly rewire itself to suit the information that you feed into it. If you constantly complain, gossip, find excuses, etc; it will make it much easier to find things to be upset about, regardless of what is happening around you. Likewise, if you constantly search for opportunities, abundance, love, and things to be grateful for it will make it much easier to find a reflection of those things around you. It takes practice, but over time, this is a very powerful to reshape your reality.”

“Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. If you are going through hard times have faith that good times are on the way.”

“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.” — Buckminster Fuller

“I am never in control of what happens around me but I am always in control of what happens within me.”

“Life always gives us exactly the teacher we need at every moment.
This includes every mosquito,
every misfortune,
every red light,
every traffic jam,
every obnoxious supervisor (or employee),
every illness, every loss,
every moment of joy or depression,
every addiction,
every piece of garbage,
every breath.
Every moment is the guru.”




~ Images Submitted by Bonnie


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