
“Timing of the Global Reset/Exchange” by Chow – 8.3.22



Entry Submitted by Chow at 6:55 PM ET on August 3, 2022

I had a 40-minute conversation with the assistant to the tier 1 global broker yesterday. He is one of lead coordinators of the 143 Humanitarian Funds , Quantum and IMF coordinating the exchange .

Basically, the target for the Reset is September . Now, lets define the Reset word, it can be confusing if you don’t know the big picture. This Reset means the banks of the world will be officially confirmed as gold backed and their balance sheets match . That is huge because that means they “should” be ready for the exchange process – no sooner – the Reset must be 1st   

To make it clearer , the currency exchange can not or should not take place before . If “all” the tier 1 , tier 2 banks (some tier3) are not confirmed clean and gold backed appropriately , the money would fall under the current fiat system which is corrupt . So, all this time was to prepare the banks to be approved per above linked to the global Quantum Financial System,  all for the future to have a safe global business environment .  Barclays Bank for example, was  one bank with  $970 Billon off on their balance sheet the last few weeks . Initially all thought corruption. But they just found  a planted virus to make Barkley look corrupt. Corrupt people , all just to delay the Reset / Exchange. How many banks couldn’t balance or had planted virus’s to delay it further ?? ?

I should also say the Quantum had to be running 100% before as well, which they are. .

Can you imagine 214 countries , all their key banks globally had to make sure they pinged (confirmed with the Quantum) connection , all confirmed gold backed , all confirmed their balance sheets are clean and adding in all confirmed their computers had to be modern enough (huge mess fixing that issue)  to communicate and move 100’s of Billion’s , 100’s and 100”s of trillion’s globally. Actually Quadrillions ++ .

Yes, I get frustrated with delays myself at times , but all this has to be done right as best they can – “no has to be done period”, to eliminate the past centuries / banks of corruption.

Remember – even though Sept is a date projected by a powerhouse global trader , look at events.  Example, 8+ country leaders / their leaders ??? , all resigned the last 10 days. Events ,  they tell a cumulative story.




Last note —  my contact also said the Grand son will be announce as England’s King/ Leader in Sept. That doesn’t even say Biden needs to be gone or in the process. We can’t have a Reset then Exchange when Bidens in – trillions – Quadrillions hitting the market before the shutdown – lets be real folks , we are close but not days away let alone weeks  

Look at the entire picture , not us making our selfish millions and some billons before the puzzle is complete. As I have said before,  this is a global change never seen in the existence of man kind. It must be done right

Enjoy the show – I am happy

Remember 3++ weeks of food unless you want to wait in rationed lines with pissed off people



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